[hider=Profile][b]Name:[/b] Sindri “Feardearg” Haynes [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Shifter Form:[/b] Aes Sídhe [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and lanky, Sindri is an unusually shaped person, with very little body mass and unnaturally long limbs and fingers making him seem almost like a scarecrow. Beneath appearances however, he has a highly versatile and athletic physique, able to bend and twist his body in almost grotesque feats of body control and run at high speeds for long periods of time. He stands at roughly 6,5 feet in height, but is usually hunched over or stooped so the height difference is frequently negated between him and others. His face is long and pointed and pinched features, furthered by a pair of slightly pointed ears with a series of golden rings running through them. On his face is usually plastered a crooked maniacal smile, hinting at mischief and malevolence beneath, and with rows of filled and sharpened teeth making it seem like the smile of a predator. His eyes are his most notable feature, slightly bigger than average and almost hinting at something being “off” about him, and with thick dark bags underneath due to lack of sleep. Iris colour a bright amber yellow, and are filled with a light of ecstasy and good cheer, although far from suggesting good intentions. His hair is straw blond and is maintained in a short back and sides, but has grown slightly unmanageable, with a long fringe at the front. His skin is pale white, with prominent veins stretching across his bony claw-like hands. Despite the strange appearance, he is relatively good looking, but this is usually offset by his unhealthy personality and weird compulsive actions. [b]Shifter Appearance:[/b] Sindri’s appearance in shifter form mostly consists of a hideous leering abomination, but under his extensive network of spells and glamour he can make himself look almost angelic in appearance, creating to distinct aspects in which he presents himself. Each face of his is used in relation to tactics, the angelic to ensnare and control, the true form to terrify and destroy. His angelic form is mostly used to beguile and ensnare his opponents in his webs of intrigue, using heavy doses of hypnotic glamour and suggestion in alluring those who would destroy him into traps and to further lead them astray. A point to make however is that this form is purely the creation of extensive glamour spells and not actually his real appearance whilst shifted, that being his darker nightmarish aspect. During this he takes on a form covered in golden Art Nouveau plate armour, covered in circles and strange images, as well as more natural things like sprouting plants and birds such as swans in midflight. Other signs upon the armour are of a definite pagan origin, dating from times before history when the old gods were worshipped and with ancient power in them. In this illusion his skin in this form is smooth and pale white, but upon closer inspection appears more like wood with its bark removed, curving into spirals and ever twisting lines across his entire form. His eyes have no pupils, being entirely hidden by pulsing golden light which also covers his body in glowing spiralling patterns engraved into his form. More light comes from a ancient dead dialect which follows the spirals, thought to be the ancient tongue of the fae, and which Sindri has attempted to translate many a time in the past few years. His head structure in general is very elfin and almost alien, the closest comparison being that of the Grey Aliens of conspiracy theories. His eyes, already shining, are like large teardrops and quite wide, making it feel like he is taking in immense amounts of detail every time he looks at something. In this his form his mouth shrinks to a small slit, filled with neat rows of needle like teeth and a black serpentine tongue. Other changes included his hair colour, which becomes a luxurious golden white, and his ears which become far more elfin and pointed, to the point where he has some control over them and where they swivel. In this form his height becomes even more distorted, becoming even taller and thinner than before, reaching just above seven feet in height. His hands are unnaturally long and flexible, tipped by sharp talons on each end, and able to bend in grotesque fashions. Two final aspects of this form consists of wings made of red light which allow him to hover cross-legged in the air and traverse quite high above the ground, and an immense scarlet red scarf lined with gold which covers his upper torso and sometimes extends in a loop across both his arms. Particularly astute characters will however be able to break through the facade of beauty to see the true form of the entity underneath, and the utter monstrousness that it holds. The benevolent and beautiful form is one of Sindri's grandest lies, and the biggest work of illusion he has crafted for himself in his dark mockery of the universe and reality. His true features, the dark form is a cruel mockery of that of his angelic glamour appearance and is utterly distorted and twisted into the stuff of nightmares. In this his form becomes as a desiccated corpse, ghoulish and like that of a Nosferatu, warped and skeletal. The skin once as fine white oak wood, now takes on the hideous contour of the walls of a wasp bike, grey and flaking with the once spiralling lines turned into shapes which look like screaming faces. The light from the spirals on his body has turned acidic green and now the very magic around him whispers strange incoherent things in a dead language, his mouth unlike his other form, is wide and lipless, filled to the brim with rows of long translucent teeth like a deep sea fish. In this form his arms and hands become even longer and more spider like, with a final disturbing edge being that he has too many finger on each hand, which curl and cage up like dead insects. The armour, which was golden and beautiful, has changed into inhuman shapes, bent and melted into dark and awful scenes. The entire construct is covered in learning furious faces, and scenes which depicted eldritch creatures devouring and slaughtering humans in droves, and taking part in strange evil ceremonies summoning shapeless things from beneath nightclad burial mounds. Even the pagan signs are altered to alien and unnatural aspects, and surrounded by odd otherworldly figures which could only be the strange forsaken forest gods of old. The scarf which was once an aspect of finery is now a tattered ruin of clothing, held together by threads and with gaping holes in it, more like a shroud than a thing of comfort and warmth. The red in it appears the same on an brief inspection, only with a closer look does it reveal that it’s not red dyed but instead dripping wet with blood which courses into the scenes of the armour, being devoured by it in turn. If one listens closely whilst around it, you can hear the crying of children amidst the whispers of inhuman things. His head has changed in aspect to an almost skull like appearance, with only hairless leathery skin seemingly holding it all together, the eyes which once glowed gold are now dim spheres of weird green light within cavernous sockets, which look like dark wells of night and suggest utter hatred towards everything and everyone. High tapered ears and a lack of nose asides from two thin slits complete the feature of an entity half ghoul and half abomination, bat-like and with a powerful sense of hearing and smell. The wings which were once straight beams of golden light are now horrifying claw like things made of a deep poisonous green light which pulses and screams, suiting his already revolting form which bends itself in the air like grotesque a leaping flea. [b]Abilities:[/b] whilst not proficient in psychical combat as other people, Sindri makes up for it by being extremely athletic and acrobatic, able to make leaps and twists which other people would have trouble managing. He can heavily distort his body and thus it makes him a difficult opponent to get a hit on, always just dancing around the blade. In his early life he practiced parkour extensively, and thus can very quickly take advantage of his surroundings to get him out of the firing range of other more physically dominating characters. Sindri also is apt with clockwork devices, having previously worked in a shop which repaired antique clockwork mechanisms, and knows well how to both repair them but also to make them work more efficiently. Whilst not terribly well adjusted with most weaponry, Sindri does have some understanding of how to use modern armaments, and is also surprisingly good at using the claymore in battle, but largely this isn’t his modus operandi and is used as a last resort if its powers fail him. A trait is his ability to speak fluent Gaelic, and his mastery of pipes, which he uses to make otherworldly music. [b]Powers:[/b] Like the olden fae of myth, Sindri’s powers are based on the distortion of people’s perceptions and to some extent, reality itself. He can utilise powerful hallucinations and glamour spells on his opponents, all the while using his manipulative influences in attempts to make his enemies open to suggestion. When dealing with his opponents he frequently twists his surroundings to his needs, making them as heavenly or nightmarish as need be in order to direct his opponents in following through with certain paths. In terms of when he utilises glamour, which is mostly his angelic forms domain, the spell works on the minds of his foes, slowly dulling their sense and leaving them in happy stupors as they gaze upon him in adoration, happy to do his will in all matters so long as his influence is present. This spell mostly works best on human opponents, as they are far easier to manipulate, but has a dulling sense on many types of shifters making them less accurate and sluggish of action, especially Titans. In this state, all under his control will follow his will in full, even if it results in suicidal acts or dangerous self mutilation. An important factor to note is that his powers of suggestion and glamour are slow acting and not immediate and the mind controlling aspect of this power can be resisted by particularly willful characters, who can break through its hold whilst maintaining coherent thought and integrity, and can be sometimes be nulified by adept Shifters or potent magic users. Whilst using this aspect of his power the air is filled with the sounds of whispering voices, which suggest the most innocuous to the most blood curdling things to those under his control. The next aspect of his is full mental assault, which slowly takes shape in the form of a slowing and melting of reality for those effected, before a dull white noise ringing takes hold of all hearing, blocking out everything else. Slowly the area around those effected blurs into a dizzying faze of delirium, making the room spin and the character to slowly loose all coherent thought, as well as make them intensely ill to the point of vomiting. Eventually the pain racks up and the white noise slowly digs into the enemies head, driving them wild with pain and madness, making them pliable to the dark suggestions which Sindri whispers into their minds, and frequently resulting in them following suite just to make the effects stop. Particularly characters with high pain endurance however can struggle through the effects and sometimes come out on top if they manage to distract his concentration regarding his utilizing of such spells. The final power he utilises is that of manifesting the worst fears of those under his influence, turning the world into a nightmarish land were dark things happen. Often monstrous entities come after those under this attack, but unlike his previous attacks, these things of imagery and fear can injure and kill those who are able to see them, causing both horrific pain and agony to their victims. Other aspects include hallucinations of what the enemy most fears will happen to them, including the imagery of the death of a loved one or something worse happening to those they care about. Under the constriction of the “Contract” which was arranged with Sylphide, he is not able to utilise this aspect of his power on fellow students, unless attacked with the direct intent to kill him. [b]Background:[/b] Sindri was born and grew up in a small down in Galloway, Scotland. His Gaelic father and Norwegian Mother were antique collectors, and his father worked a business in which he repaired broken or damaged antiques for a price. Despite the wealthy clientele the job gave him access to, Sindri’s father never made more than a modest amount of money out of the job, little more than to keep them relatively comfortable. Sindri was a quiet child, not speaking much and being intensely shy in front of strangers, but was apt in terms of learning and the ability to consume knowledge. Very soon he stumbled across a book on ancient myths of his homeland and consumed them end to end in a fiery passion, becoming obsessed with the Otherworld and the ancient pagan gods which once ruled the land. He also enjoyed walking in the woods and hills of his locality, enjoying the wonders of the wilderness and feeling at home amongst them, even reverential of them. Oftentimes he would search the woods and hills for ancient stone circles, burial mounds and standing stones, feeling within them a sense of sacredness and power long forgotten. Sindri’s father hoped that his son would take over the family business, and so trained him up from an early age to deal in the restoration of ancient artefacts from hundreds of years prior. Sindri should particular aptitude in dealing with clockwork devices, and even experimented some in making his own, although they were far inferior to the technological advances of the time. At school Sindri was the odd character out of the group, keeping to himself and remaining very timid, rarely making any friends, and alienating himself from his classmates with his strange paganistic ideas. As a result he was frequently a target of bullying, made even worse by his thin body and his unusual tallness. Sindri adapted to this by taking parkour classes and largely managed to outsmart his bullies throughout the years, even expanding his attempt by manipulating them into getting into trouble. With his unconsciously self imposed isolation Sindri began to think along darker paths, taking on a semi-gnostic ideology and began viewing reality through solipsistic perspectives. Eventually he stopped being targeted by his abusers simply because he was far too slippery for them to capture, and they began to leave him well enough alone, going to hunt down easier prey. Sindri got on well with his teachers, earning their admiration for his quiet but studious personality, but also gaining both concern and sympathy over his closed in nature. The latter years of his life he began to bloom in terms of social life, opening up and making a few close friends, but still retaining a perspective of semi-solipsism, furthered by his Gnosticism, making him pine for the “real” spiritual world, and ensuring the perspective that much of humanity didn’t really exist wholly asides from a select few individuals. As the years dragged on Sindri began to become more and more obsessed with attaining a form of spiritual enlightenment, and also began engrossed within the mythological tales of the amoral and capricious Fae. His intention by the end of high school was to enter into the Academy and see if he had a chance to attain "perfection" by becoming one of the Shifters, which he viewed as a step up the ladder of evolution and existence, and one more move towards the other world. He was also excited by idea of conflict and the visitation of foreign lands and the other disks, wanted to have somewhat of an adventure as well, despite the naivety of such an idea. His plans however were thwarted by the early death of his father when he was eighteen, driving him both to despair, but also to take over the family business. With the death of his highly experience father, the restoration business floundered, and eventually failed and went bankrupt due to his emotional turmoil as well as his inexperience. The family began to struggle and they were forced into meaner and meaner living quarters, as he and his mother who was now in her sixties tried to find suitable work in order to keep food on the table. Now deeply distressed with his lot in life, and worried deeply about his mother and the financial deprivations the business failure might drive her into, he enlisted into the Academy out of a mixture of desire and desperation and for the decent pay the duty paid. When he visited their most local facility he was nervious and twitchy, secretly hoping that he might become something powerful like a Titan or a Fae, although eventually relaxing amongst the babble of conversation of new recruits looking for compatibilities. As he went through the various tests he began more and more restless as they repeatedly failed to turn up anything. Just when he was about to give in to hopelessness the tests came back with a confirmation of his capacity to become one of the Fae, although the tests were not entirely certain of the exact nature he would be. As he was brought into the procedure and filled with various electrodes and drugs whilst the world slowly faded into white, he hoped that he’d make both his living and dead parents proud. The operation was a complex one, and one of considerable pain and distress for Sindri, but eventually he emerged from the operation as a powerful race of Fae, an Aes Sídhe, one of the primordial fairy folk from myth, the hidden people from beneath the burial mounds and from the Otherworld of Gaelic Mythology. The process considerably changed Sindri in terms of personality. Whilst he opened up to people much more, and became gregarious and friendly, he also became more and more detached from reality and obsessed with returning to “Home”, which he considered was Otherworld of the Aes Sídhe. His solipsism slowly began to get more and more acute, and he viewed less and less people as real beings. This resulted in behaviour which varied from casual mockery and trickery to acts bordering on psychological manipulation, as well as a complete lack of care for the welfare of people. This however, only came to be dangerous when he discovered the death of his mother in second year from incurable cancer, which she hadn’t told him about through her letters in order for him not to become unnecessarily distressed and frightened at her impending demise. After this event he completely dislocated himself from reality and became more and more capricious and amoral, eventually falling into the mindset and actions of the Fae of myth, and their blue and orange morality and trickery. This eventually resulted in a classified event known as the “Night of Long Shadows” in which he went completely out of control with his powers, making a nightmare of the facility and filling it with horrifically disturbing mental imagery. This night however was quickly and efficiently stopped by Sylphide, who managed to bring a measure of reality back to Sindri, and bound him to a deal known as the “Contract” of which due to his new found code of ethics, he was to follow through with to the word. The exact details of the Contract are only known to those of the upper staff of the facility, but in large it halted any further attempts to damage Academy property, as well as making him bound to follow orders of the hierarchy of command in the institution. Since that night Sindri has held Sylphide in a position of both respect and fear, viewing her as a powerful “real person” obeying her commands mostly without complaint. A further detail of the “Contract” is that he isn’t allowed to use the more damaging features of his powers upon other students without authorization, or them attacking him first with the intent to kill. Despite being one of the most troublesome students of the Academy, he was one of the most magically apt and had considerable skill in using his manipulative powers, ensuring the Academy kept him. Whilst still capricious and a trickster, he has never again attempted to harm the facility staff or the students, although that does not stop him making such people’s lives hell if they happen to displease him. Despite the higher commands reservations about him, he has prove himself an effective operative, and the fact that he is now bound to obey orders has alleviated the worse concerns regarding his personality and comedic preferences, and even if his tricks are far from approved of, they are generally tolerated in consideration, just so long as they don’t go too far. So he progressed throughout the years under the guise of the loyal, if deranged, soldier. He rarely made any friends, and for the most part he didn’t acknowledge them as more than mind tricks and falsehoods which he could manipulate and irritate without consequence. Despite being bound to the “Contract” and to any other agreement he might make, he will always try and find a way around them, although he hasn’t yet found any loopholes in the Contract in order for him to manipulate his way through. This, and the continued desire to find the Otherworld are two defining goals to his existence, but this is also seconded by a deep and vicious desire to cause destruction and mayhem against any foe he is pitted against, taking great joy and pleasure in these dark actions. In order to keep him amused during his spare time, Sylphide set him the task of creating small mechanical devices to keep him out of mischief. Mixing his aptitude with old machinery with his inherent magic has resulted in the production of curious enchanted clockwork devices, with both beneficial and horrible qualities depending on each one is used. They have swiftly become both the bane and the benefit of many a Shifter. Other items have been produced by him of a more inanimate nature, such as rings, necklaces and blades which also hold the 50/50 chance of positive or negative characteristics. He also took up the pipes and practiced with the claymore in self defense classes, purely to offset a mixture of boredom and impatience, but also in order to keep him under the control of the administration. [b]Personality:[/b] Sindri is largely an person without concept of common standards of ethics and morality, shifting more to his faeish side in forming strange and odd concepts of morals, to the point where they may well be blue and orange. He views murder as acceptable, but considers lying a horrific crime deserving of death. Furthermore, personal insults will result in him wreaking disproportionate revenge in return, although he can’t kill you without authorization, he can sure as hell make your food rot into blackened fungal pus and generally ensure your life is hellish. He can be appeased by gifts of shiny things, or old Celtic jewellery and spirals as gifts to offset this, and will largely forget about you afterwards. Another interesting feature is his code of ethics, he will not and cannot lie to you about anything, but that does not stop him from distorting the truth as much as possible, furthermore he will always abide by the word of any agreement or contract, but this does not mean he won’t work out a way to ruin it unless you make it impossible to create loopholes. This is partly the reason he obeys commands in battle as well as by the higher establishment without comment, and the same follows for other military command in the Academy. To people he considers non-existent he is largely a pretty unlikeable and immoral trickster, out there to ruin their day for them. However, an interesting thing happens to Sindri when he believes you actually “exist” rather than being nothing more than a puppet of a Gnostic demiurge. He will become both easier to communicate with and relate to, will follow commands without question, and will reduce his previously malicious trickery to only some occasional harmless pranks, although they can still be a little disgusting at times. He will also try his hardest to keep you alive, as he believes its his duty to save the real people from the falsehoods of a malevolent god. To this extent his is a loyal friendly psychopath to these people for life, rarely if ever using his worse powers on them, and only under considerable duress and fury. Despite being a mostly cheerful if immoral trickster, Sindri has a considerably dark side, willing to unleash all manner of horrors on those he deems unworthy, or who have insulted him in the most basic manner. He is a vain, slightly insane, powerful entity who will stop at nothing with his enemies destruction, and will protect his “friends” to the end. This makes him a complex, dislikeable, but sometimes sympathetic character, with some tragic elements. Sindri shows some sings of obsessive compulsive activities regarding certain things, including burial mounds, stone rings, fairy rings and Hawthorne trees. One specific tree in the Academy he regards as his “Home”, and will defend it violently in case of danger to it, having an immense love of that specific tree. Students have learned to avoid it at all cost, and leave it well enough alone whilst Sindri is around. Frequently he is found deep in the remotest parts of the Academy campus, obsessing over stone rings and playing his pipes amongst them, another activity which Slyphide convinced him to take up in order to stop him messing around with other students. [b]Other:[/b] Theme song- who else would it be? :P - [youtube]cvEU79Wwkqs[/youtube] [/hider] I await the great Kappa to declare requirements of fixation for the good of the RP, do tell me what you think of me weird olden Fae, one of the Aes Sídhe and the primordial originals of the eldritch folk.