Koji opened his eyes. Standing above him was a tall European. At least he thought he was European, maybe he was from America, either way it was a bit surprising. [b]"Wha... What's going on?"[/b] Koji pushed himself up into a sitting position. As he sat himself up, a short girl walked into the room, exclaimed something about feet and then walked out. A few seconds later she returned to the room, more foot talk followed. Finally Koji realized where he was, he had fallen asleep in the club room. He looked up at the foreigner standing near him, [b]"Hi, my name is Koji... Nice to meet the both of you, sorry, it looks like I passed out."[/b] Koji started to rub the sleep from his eyes, how long had he been asleep? [b]"Uh, welcome to the anime club!"[/b] stretching out his arms, Koji picked up a clipboard that had been laying on the table. He held it out to the foreigner [b]"Would you please write down your name, and then pass it over to her."[/b] hopefully they didn't mind him sleeping. Now somewhat awake, Koji was able to get a better look at everyone in the room. The foreigner had a nice looking camera with him, a quick look at the lens cap confirmed it was a Nikon. Koji glanced over at the girl, she was short probably 5'1" if he had to guess. She wore her hair in a pony tail and seemed to have an energetic energy about her. So these would be some of his new club members, he glanced down at his watch. It looks like he was only out for a few minutes, what a relief.