[b]Magic:[/b] A) No Magic Whatsoever B) What Kangaroo Said Essentially (Nations/Factions/Players Can't Use Them, but Magical Events/Occurrences Happen and (for me) Also Adding in the RARE Magical Item) C) No Magic Whatsoever (But including fantasy animals: Dragons, Phoenixes, etc.) [b]Races:[/b] Traditional Fantasy Races, but NOT All Uniform. Variations Within a Species (I Generally Play as a Subspecies of Elves that Influence Their Culture, i.e. Sea Elves are very strong as it comes to maritime endeavors and the navy, but less used to being on land) [b]Universe Preference[/b] Custom Made Universe with Custom Map (With an Exception, see below) [b]Genre/Setting[/b] 1) Age of Exploration Era Technology (We'd All Start in a Sort of "Old World" when Someone Discovers a "New World") 2) Alternate History w/ Fantasy Elements in the Americas (Starting in 1450, this is the exception, where we would use an Earth Map and Human Nations Would be Real Ones from the Old World (i.e. Spain, England, Korea) maybe with slight variations and Non-Human Nations would be carved out from the Americas (including Greenland) 3) Traditional Dark Ages Style Fantasy 4) Mid-1800s Style Tech [b]Nation/Faction[/b] I) No Factions II) Done it Before, Nation Build from the Ground (Unless Genre Choice 2 w/ Human Nation) III) It Would Get Too Complicated [b]Rigidity[/b] Common Sense and Going for the Better Story as it comes to Rules, with GM Stepping in if Needed Free-Form, maybe with a few Odd-Ball Events [b]NO DICE[/b] A, B, C, etc. Signifies I have no Preference Between Them 1, 2, 3, etc. Signifies I have Ordered them According to Personal Preference (with 1 being my most preferred)