Nation designation: Nkosi, People of Tooth and Claw and Wielders of the Deep Middle. [b]Government[/b] Nonexistent in an orthodox form, as nkosi are solitary but social creatures with a staunch affinity for independence. Strong dominion is maintained over lands acquired during a male or female's prime. Naturally, attempts at dethronement are met with exceptionally-brutal bouts of ultra-violence between the offender and the defender. Territorial boundaries--regardless of their controller's sex--scarcely conflict, but encroachment is occasionally suffered for announced (but brief) communal visits, reproductive parings or recreational bonding sessions; sufficiently fruitful relationships can gradually evolve into the nkosi incarnation of marriage, which leads to the overlapping of hunting grounds and the sharing of kills between both parties. In an obscured way, each nkosi is a self-governed noble, which makes for political and economical statecraft with their species problematic and daunting for xeno administrative bodies and foreign peoples that align themselves with more traditional modes of executive practice, while imperialism or poaching are both countered with extreme acts of indiscriminate terrorism launched against villages or lightly-defended townships. Full-retaliation warfare is readily employed while genocide of the foe is preferable. Lone nkosi of higher caliber and greater physical stature often come to dominate sizable enclaves, but groups of weaker and less-seasoned nksoi that hail from surrounding areas are known to oust these intimidating specimens and divide the conquered region between themselves. [b]Culture[/b] WIP [b]Species Information[/b] Nkosi resemble American lions and smilodons in their outer appearance, but they are of significantly more mass and greater dimensions. Regardless of sex, fully-matured members of the species can easily exceed 1,815 kilograms in weight and loom at the 2.2m mark. Excited muscle cross-sectional area, short but massive limbs and an accompanying robust build leads to deepened echelons of physical strength, though consequently endurance and maximum speed both suffer as a result. Predominant hunting methods consist of excessive stalking behavior, giving them substantial observational information on their target's feeding, resting and traveling behaviors. From this data, intricate ambushes are concocted, laid out and executed; nkosi sapience and heightened decision-making ability has forged their people into highly-successive hunters and incredibly dangerous obstacles to potential settlers of the so-called 'Deep Middle'.. [b]Culture[/b] Repulsing the incursions of upstarts and adversaries alike is a time-honored 'tradition' practiced amongst the general adult nkosi masses on a perpetual basis. Ownership of one's self and one's land are the prime possessions most nkosi value for the most part; a pristine territory can provide a plenteous quantity of nourishment and shelter provided that its caretaker and guardian can continue to exert his or her will over it, while the earned right to autonomy is promised only by the physiological and psychological vigor of the individual. In short, might makes right and cunning guarantees advantage. WIP