[b]Danielle - alley behind Tommie's - Thomas[/b] Danielle has been taking some garbage out when she heard the voices. Making sure she stayed hidden around the corner, she used her well-developed talent of eavesdropping. She heard the whole deal go down with Bertinelli. Thomas was actually going to do something this big? Of course it didn't surprise her that he would, the part that surprised her was that he was doing it for Bertinelli of all people. Money really did talk. Once Bertinelli left she squared her shoulders and came out from her hiding place. "Hi Thomas," she said innocently, then cocked her head after Bertinelli. The corner of her mouth turned up in a small smile. "Sounds like a lot of fun," she commented, letting him know she had heard everything. She lifted her chin and put her shoulders back. "I can help. I can do a lot of stuff. I'm a great actress, a fairly good lock-pick and an excellent pick-pocket. What do you say? Give me a shot?" She realized she was revealing things she hadn't told Thomas before. He didn't know anything about her past and this was bound to make him start to ask more questions, but she was bored always working at the bar. Plus she wanted to prove herself valuable. When you were valuable to people they wanted to keep you around.