[quote=OtomostheCrazy] Sounds a bit like Vesperia, only instead of a thief, it's a murderer. [/quote] Haven't had the chance to play Vesperia yet. [quote=Diggerton] In an old RP I was in the GM gave a small portion of the story to a certain person in between each main plot point for someone to dedicate to their own character's subplot. We could do that. [/quote] I already have a system in mind, I'm just trying to smooth it out. [quote=Solita] Okay just for the record: Miz, you are the best GM ever. <3 [/quote] [quote=Nyxella] That was the single most beautiful vow I've ever seen taken. A winner is you. [/quote] Awwwww thanks guys Q~Q [quote=Jerkchicken] The only tales I played was the fan translation of SNES phantasia. And I'd like to have that type of writing done in a RPG. [/quote] You are missing out in life.