[b]Rookie - Gastown Police Station - Detective Brewer[/b] The rookie just stood there for a second as the detective took the luxury of sitting in his chair. He didn't even register his question yet, staring at the man's facial features. He had numerous scars on his face, making the rookie's eyes widen. And instead of answering his question, the young lad decided to go another route. "I'm Officer Sully sir. [url=http://raven.b-it.ca/portals/uploads/fedway/.DIR288/Leitgeb.Matthew.web.jpg]James Sully[/url]. I'll be your partner from now on" he introduced. In a way, he did answer the detective's question, just indirectly. The lad turned around and looked for a chair. He took one from someone else's desk and rolled it towards Brewer's. "So, here's the file Chief Lakey told me to get for you. It's on the Angels regarding the incident that occurred years ago in Gastown. The shootout with the Irish or something like that. It says in here......." he started, opening up the file and placing on the desk as he read. ".....that there was a testimony. It says that the Angels fired back in self defense. Apparently the Irish shot first, so it was deemed constitutional for the Angels to fire back on their own property. And because they did not use handguns to return fire, there were no charges against the Angels. And I always wondered why they called themselves the Fallen Angels, never understood it. I mean, none of them are angels at all, they've all had criminal records. I mean, some for more serious crimes than others, but not really saints if you ask me. Maybe they were angels before they went to prison? What do you think Detective? Should they just call themselves the Fallen instead? Because that sounds pretty cool too. I don't know, if I had a biker gang, I'd call them.....ummm......probably something like......Super Bawlers or Night Raiders. Yeah, that's badass!" the rookie trailed off. Not only was it obvious by his actions and words that he had just been released from the academy, but he looked very young too. He had this.....baby face that revealed so much about him. It was pitiful, and the Chief knew it, so stuck him with Brewer. ---------------------------- [b]Tony - Maria's Home - Eva[/b] The way she responded made Tony understand how Eva felt with his decision. He was going to tend to the Maria problem instead of taking her out to eat like he had said. The was she took his helmet was also a sign of her discomfort with the situation. But in the end, Eva agreed to go with him, which also showed her loyalty. Maria was family to Tony, to the MC, so she wasn't to be left to rot. Even though she was not an official member, she was part of The Florence, and The Florence was part of the Angels, therefore she was one of them - on paper or not. Before starting his bike, Tony turned his head and gave Eva yet another kiss, stroking her arm with his. "I love you" he smiled, his own way of thanking her for what she was doing. He then put on his gloves, turned the key, pressed the ignition and pulled the throttle, quickly taking off with his beloved. He road down the street with concern for Maria. It wasn't like her to skip work twice, especially when she was already on watch by Isabel. With the desire to join the club, there shouldn't be any kind of reason for her to act this way. Tony already knew Maria wasn't sick, she never was. She was a tough woman, one that nobody could mess with. So with her missing like this, Tony couldn't help but think in the worst case scenario - that someone got to her. After a fifteen or twenty minute ride, Tony pulled up to the parking lot near Maria's apartment. He cut the engine off and quickly climbed off his bike. "Stay close" he told Eva as he had her follow him to the apartment door. He reached behind him for a pistol, clinging to it with his right hand, his left holding Eva back as he knocked on the door. "Maria?" he called as he knocked, but there was no response. "Stay here" he ordered Eva as he slowly turned the doorknob to see if it was open - which it was. Once fully turned, he quickly opened the door and pointed the gun in all directions, surveying the scene. In shock, his arm just died and fell back to his side - gun still in hand. "Eva! Get in here!" he yelled, running towards Maria's limp body. "Oh shit!" he cursed aloud as he placed his hands on his head. There was glass all over the place, scratches on her arms and legs. There were empty tequila bottles, some empty, others broken. But what made everything even worse was the little packet of drugs in her loose hand. Quickly he knelt next to her, picking her up using the strength of his upper body. He took her to the small couch next to the table and placed her there. She didn't seem to be conscious when he moved her, so he checked her pulse, sticking his fingers at the end of her jaw. With eyes wide, he turned to Eva. He didn't know what to do, had never dealt with this kind of stuff. Even as a child when his parents overdosed, Tony tended to just run rather than stay and watch them go through the process. "Please E, do sumthin. I don't know" he pleaded as he backed away from her and smacked everything off the table. "Dammit!" he yelled, punching the wall. "Why? Why would she do this? Drugs?! In Gastown?! Fuck!" he yelled again as he backed into the same wall he punched. "Nobody hears about this alright. This stays between us three. If Harry or Isabel find out, they'll kick her out. The Florence is all she's got Eva. Dammit!" He then heard a moan and ran back to Maria's side. "Is she awake?" he asked, still uncertain of the situation.