[b] Gastown Police station, Brewer and the Rook [/b] Brewer couldn't help but chuckle to himself this kid reminded him so much of himself as a rookie. Brewer studied him a bit more a baby face recruit fresh out of the academy probably didn't know his ass from the barrel end of his gun. "Fallen Angels are angels who fell from gods grace, and these guys fell hard, right on their ugly mashed up faces." He said, his desk was littered with Styrofoam cups full of coffee some were even beginning to collect mold. Brewer looked through the cups found one with no mold in it and drank it down and studied the Irish case file. Something didn't add up, or maybe Brewer just wanted something to not add up. Brewer stood up, "I don't know who you pissed off to get stuck with me kid, but we are going for a field trip get your high heels and evening dress on." He said putting on his jacket and pulling the keys out of the jacket pocket "With any luck your going to learn how to be a detective and a grade A asshole." Was the last thing he said before leaving the rook sitting there as he headed for the garage.