Dante at work one day when he drifted off he heard a voice it was deep and almost raspy, it introduced itself to him and started talking to him about all the dreams he had for him and their future together. It spooked Dante awake he almost slammed his head against the table he got up stretching a little bit looking around he saw a guy start arguing with girl the girl looked like she was going to go crazy she started hitting the man in the face and before Dante knew it half of the office was fighting he hurried out thinking about the voice in his head It was laughing watching them fight. He got in the car and got a email he opened it a followed the instructions to the villa it was instructing him to on his way he got cut off by a car and started dreaming out with road rage that was the first time he had ever done something like that he knew he was changing he could feel it. Dante arrive at the villa as went to the front doors and knocked twice making sure they knew he had arrived he was curious to see who was going to answer the door.