Kat's sense of disbelief grew as one by one, the people around her quite literally signed their lives away. The goblin had a point – as audacious as the dwarf seemed, he didn't fit the bill as a con artist. In Kat's mind, that almost made it worse. A conman she could understand… a dwarf genuinely expecting them to give up everything for the sake of [i]his[/i] battle was something else all together. She heard the others voice their opinions – the goblin, the elves, the beggar, the wolf, the nobles… and still, she didn't sign, observing those who were foolhardy enough to give their lives away at the promise of gold. Kat never cared much for material wealth – with Hel at her side, she was comfortable enough living in the wilderness, stealing anything from the towns she passed if she truly needed it. She eyed the contract that lay on the table. Honestly, what was the dwarf hoping to achieve by using it? With a roll of her eyes, Kat finally stepped forward and reached into her pocket, grabbing the few coins she had and tossing them onto the table. Picking up the pen with unsteady fingers (she had been right-handed before her… incident. She was still unaccustomed to using her left hand to write) she lowered the tip onto the parchment, ink bleeding into the fibers. This contract meant nothing to her. She was only here for something to while away her boredom, and if things got too rough – or the people around her annoyed her too much – she was gone. She signed the contract with clumsy letters, spelling out [i]Kat[/i], just to spite the dwarf. Kat tossed the pen back onto the table and straightened up, looking the dwarf in the eyes. "We've all signed. You going to tell us more about this quest of yours now, or do we have to wait around for some other idiot to show up and decide he's crazy enough for your quest too?" There had been room for one more slot after Katelia's 'signature', and it made her wonder if the dwarf had anyone else in mind for this fool's errand of a quest.