[quote=Malikoy] Apparently it would be nice to have everybody taking roles of students, to populate the RP with more student-centered drama and plots. But yeah, it is fine to have a second character (or just have it as your main character) as a staff. As soon as I get up the RP Thread and figure which staff positions are NPC, you can then go ahead and make a staff character.What do you have in mind? [/quote] I was thinking an Arithmancy teacher, an alumnus of Slytherin house who graduated in Harry's second or third year and was apprenticed to an American arithmancy Master, and stayed in America to avoid becoming entangled in the war by her former house mates. It would be cool if the staff person for Head of Slytherin House was open, but I will not lose my interest or character idea if it is not, or you simply want that to be an NPC. My other idea is for a muggleborn, extremely studious, Hufflepuff.. Sorry it took me so long to reply, I forgot to subscribe to the thread, and thus did not notice you'd replied...