[b]Eva - Maria's Home - Tony[/b] Eva simply kissed Tony back, giving a bit more of a sincere smile at his words and mouthing ‘I love you too’ back to him. She held onto him as they rode, deciding to cheer herself up by thinking about eloping to Las Vegas or something fun instead of a big fancy wedding. The time passed quickly that way, and soon they were on the other side of town at Maria’s apartment. She handed him back his helmet, running her fingers through her hair as he got off and nodded. Like she was going to stay far away from him out here? This wasn’t exactly where she normally hung out. Even the person she was coming here to help would probably beat her senseless on her worst day. So, Eva took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly before walking to the apartment and watching him go in in front of her. [i]Eva![/i] was all she heard before she quickly went inside, crinkling her nose a bit at the smell and disorder or the place, but otherwise finding Tony right away. [b]”What? What?[/b] she said, worried he was hurt or Maria was dead. Even she wouldn’t wish such a thing on her or anyone else. Eva came in just in time to see Tony lifting Maria and putting her on the couch… or furniture. Whatever it was. Eva furrowed her brow, feeling herself going into nurse mode, especially since Tony appeared to be freaking out just a bit. He put his fingers to Maria’s neck, but then didn’t tell Eva if the woman had a pulse or not. So with a small sigh, she stepped forward and put her own fingers to Maria’s neck, finding a pulse. Good, she was just stupid, not dead, she thought to herself. Eva jumped at Tony knocked crap around and yelled, punching a wall. [b]”Calm the fuck down, Tony. I’m not telling anyone, and you’re not helping by yelling. Freak out later,”[/b] she said in scolding tone of voice but not without some care for the situation. [b]”It’d be nice to have some of the stuff I have at the house,”[/b] she mumbled, still frowning. [b]”But honestly, she’s still breathing and that’s all that matters. We really can’t do much but monitor her breathing. If it gets too slow or tries to stop I’ll give her rescue breathing, otherwise I’d need naloxone or at least the charcoal pills I have at home,”[/b] she said to Tony, ignoring his question about Maria’s wakefulness. If the woman woke up, they’d know it. So, Eva sat back on the floor, folding her hands in her lap and watching Maria to make sure the girl did breathe or at best, wake up. In the back of her mind, she thought she could have done better about helping Tony not freak out, but honestly she was more concerned about keeping her own cool so Maria didn’t die.