[quote=Roran Hawkins] I've done a draw-over on your last drawing to show my points. Beware, it was done with an online painting tool and a computer mouse.Your pose is a bit awkward due to the weird angle of her left arm and hand (a fault Sherlock pointed me at in my last drawing). When trying to draw someone in a certain pose, always try to find references for it or getting someone (even yourself- to quickly pose for you. You easily have acces to someone doing said pose naturally, and basing yourself off of that adds a genuine feeling to it. Furthermore I would recommend delving further into the topic of anatomy. As you can see I left my sketches of the drawover (in red) still there so you have an idea of how I specifically use shortcuts to learn anatomy. Anatomy is the one thing that makes or breaks most if not every drawing of an organism that's intended to be at least semi-realistical, and still the bane of even artits like Sherlock. The only cure is lots of practice and references. A short summary of faults I immediately noticed: Her breasts were too low and had a really sphere-like shape, as if someone cut a ball in half and taped them to her ribcage. While in a front on drawing of a relaxed pose this is not too noticable, once movement is involved the breasts move along. (the same with breasts of men. I just watched myself in the mirror today, it's almost spooky how they can move if you pay attention to it.) Secondly, her arms, legs and middle were all too long. I can give you the advice when drawing without clear or with little references to use parts of the body you already drew to measure the parts you still have to draw. A good measuring unit for example is the head. Handy links: ° http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1021/836560773_9dc73c2e2f.jpg° http://illustrationage.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/andrew-loomis-figure-drawing-for-all-its-worth.pdf [/quote] Thanks for the tips, and especially the draw-over. =] I'll make sure to try to learn the, "heads as units of measurement", thing again. I could never seem to get that right when I try to use it in my drawings, but it's been a few months, so hopefully It will click better as I'm practicing. As far as using a reference, I recently bought an armature to use for posing, but I haven't got the hang of using it yet. =T [quote=Roran Hawkins] Also, one of my own: [/quote] These look great. My favorites are the first guy, in the second row, (with the hook for a hand), and the image of just the man's head in his armor. From the looks of it though, it seems that you overcompensated for how offset the center line would be between the lower portion of the helm, and the top portion. [img=http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy72/monstahunta2/16d6af77-ae67-48a7-a434-1a77ac48f001_zpse3ab4265.png]