It was the next for the Gunpla Builders as they entered the Fourth Period. The fourth day of the tournament had just as the same expectations as they did the other day. By this time the type of match was announced. "Good morning everyone!" Heine began his live broadcast. "We are now in the Fourth Period! Today's battle will be an 'Aerial Battle': stay in the sky as long as your enemy or shoot him down to win! Easy rules!" Kartal woke up with quite a headache from drinking last night. He watched Heine's broadcast to learn what the battle is about and chose his Gunpla accordingly. He looked at his customised Zeta Gundam to use for the day of the competion. "Mavi Zeta... We'll win this." He thought, trying hard not to think about the trauma with the Qubeley. He got changed and left his hotel room with the Mavi Zeta. Lindemann was one of the fighters to arrive the earliest. She was a bit groggy from a drinking session she had with some Japanese beer to drown her sorrows but had a cup of black coffee with her to get back into shape. For the battle she brought her Gundam Sandesgeist and a Base-Jabber from Gundam Unicorn. "Aerial battle, huh?" She looked with interest. Gordon saw no need of any extra equipment for his Hambrabi, the transformation basically eliminating the need for a sub-flight system. He would shoot the opponent's ride or damage their wings for a quick victory. With those thoughts in his head he smiled menacingly.