(Large WIP, I put it up now in order to save my place on the map for now) [center] Nation Sheet Position on Map - [img]http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z421/JerichoEnd/913d307e-5480-4cc3-9ab6-bba72bb5e5e8.jpg?1413564540406&1413564544446[/img] Name - Kingdom of Karkarth (The Scorched Lands) Flag - [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/215/e/e/the_elder_scrolls__flag_of_the_ebonheart_pact_by_okiir-d6gfu42.png[/img] Capital - City of Karren Other Major Settlements – (More TBD) Valenar: Valenar is a moderately sized, sprawling city beside the sea and is best known as a haven for the arts, both martial and architectural. The majority of its inhabitants are involved in overseeing fishing or trade, and it is considered notable for its imposing aqueduct. Valenar is also the Scorched lands largest and most notable port city. Population – 2,923,440 Races - Jahun-Ka [b]Culture[/b] Much of Karkarthian culture is dominated by one aspect; War. Much of Karkarth's history has been on of conflict, internal and external. This has thus shaped their arts, architecture, and even religion. Karkarthian architecture tends to be heavy and symmetrical, with a militaristic uniformity and lots of decorative elements, such as monoliths and obelisks. In many ways, the typical Karkarthian city street resembles a museum, with heavy stone buildings, ornate sculptures, and free standing statues. Fountains get a lot of play in Karkarth as well, with many of these serving as well points in case of fire from the ash storms abundant in the region. Two subjects also turn up consistently in Karkarth art— war(as expected) and religion. Images of grand battles in flat, two dimensional renderings demonstrate an emotional connection to physical strength and perfection. Jahun-Ka also usually practical about the arts. Few items are created for purely artistic reasons, instead having a functional purpose behind them. In spite of this, Jahun-Ka arts are not at all ugly or mundane in appearance and Jahun-Ka crafters take time and care in creating new works. As pieces representative of the skill of a crafter, Jahun-Ka art pieces often possess a distinctive flair that is militant or elemental in nature and are often embroided with jewels or precious metals. Karkarthian cuisine itself tends to be as heavy and complex as its architecture, with filling, multilayered casseroles one of the mainstays of the typical family meal. Jahun-ka consider sausages- and cheesemaking to be art forms, and all kinds and varieties of these foods can be found throughout the land. Because of the harsh environment, alien stews and soups using the indigenous creatures of the ash rich Scorched lands are a staple of Juhan-ka cooking. Brewing, another popular Jahun-ka pastime, has created some of the most flavorful and potent beers and ales in the Five Nations, and kegs of Karkarthian brews find their way to markets across the continent. Baking has also developed into a staple of Karkarth. [b]Crimes/Laws[/b] [b]Government type[/b] Karkarth is ruled by the Scorched King, Lord of Blades, King of Flames, Vanquisher Dracon, a monarch and a general. The fortress-city of Djerad Thymar is the current seat of power for the highly militant Karkarth kingdom. All citizens spend some time in the The Ixelin, the kingdom's highly trained army, and the population was ever-ready to take up arms again should the city be threatened. [b]People in power[/b] [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BxSmknWCYAAuy-b.png:large[/url] Scorched King, Lord Tiberion of House Dracon [b]Industry[/b] [b]Military[/b] [b]Landscape/Terrain[/b] The land of Karkarth are also often refereed to as the Scorched lands, due to it being a dry, inhospitable wasteland characterized by clusters of stone obelisks; minimal, highly-adapted vegetation and wildlife; and bubbling ash mires. is a largely alien and inhospitable place where the sky is darkened regularly by furious ash storms belched forth from the mighty Dread Mountain, the largest volcano in Ethica. The familiar flora and fauna of Ethica is exchanged for bizarre and twisted forms that can survive the regular ashfall and violent ash storms. In the ash lands, cloaked and masked dark skinned Jahun-Ka herd large groups of insectlike creatures called Lerinka. The Ashen Deserts to the south are surrounded by active volcanoes, leaving the region covered with volcanic ash. The far north houses Dread Mountain, and that region has the largest flows of lava, great clouds of ash and smoke, but also is the seat of House Dracon. The region between both is simply called the Plains, this region of the Scorched Lands is generally flat and is broken up only by the occasional volcanic fissure or actual volcano. It is believed that the ground contains high concentrations of metallic minerals, which increase the likelihood of air to ground lightning storms. What the Scorched lands lack in arable land, it makes up for in higher then normal concentrations of ore deposits. As a side effect, Jahun-ka have become masters of forging iron and steel, reportedly housing the greatest swordsmiths in all the realms. History - (TBD) [/center] Races Sheet Name - Jahun-Ka Appearance - Natural abilities - Lifespan - Homeland -