Position on Map: Southern region of the Eastern continent. [img=http://imgur.com/IhIFEM9.jpg?1] Name: The Kingdom of Osterlaind (Eastern Land in their tongue) Flag: A rectangular flag divided width-wise, one half yellow, the other black. A grey eagle holds four swords, two in each hand, representing the four city states the nation originated from. Capital: Rotaerus Other Major Settlements: Alaera, Caedaron, Moltosaere. Population: 800,000 Races: Human predominantly, though it isn't uncommon to see other races living in Osterlaind. Culture: To understand the cultures of Osterlaind, one must take into account that it was once four separate city states, and thus their cultures grew independent of each other. Rotaerus started in the Northwest corner of the land, surrounded by mountains on two sides giving them access to mining opportunities, which in turn gave them access to local wealth. The Rotaerus believe strongly in acting according to social code, behaving in a way that is deemed proper. They are also fans of the finer things in life. Alaera started in the forest towards the center of the nation, where they had a nearly unlimited amount of trees to build with. This gave rise to the Aleara becoming master craftsman, especially when working with wood. Living in a forest also gave the Aleara the perfect environment to become expert hunters. They believe very strongly in self reliance and are the most warrior like of the four. Caedaron originated on the Eastern shores, causing the people there to become master sailors and fishermen. The Caedaron are also decent explorers, being the first city state to find other continents. Lacking numbers army-wise, they learned very early on to fight using hit and run tactics and naval blockading. Moltosaere started on the Northern plains where it's people learned the ways of farming. The Moltosaere believe in striving to be as good as one can be in their area of expertise and value the simple life very much. They value honor above all and are considered to be the most skilled of the four cities in infantry combat. The culture of Osterlaind is a blend of all four, though they do not always mix well. Crimes: There are four levels of crime: low, moderate, high, and treason (being the highest). Low crimes are punished through fine and perhaps imprisonment. Moderate crimes are punished by imprisonment. High crimes are punishable by imprisonment and perhaps execution. Treason is grounds for immediate execution. Trials are decided by local mayors if low and moderate, and the Purveyor of Justice if high. A trial by combat may be requested if one so desires. Government Type: A Monarchy with a small representative council. The Monarch is chosen through line of succession, and the council is chosen through majority vote, with all people's able to participate in the vote. Elections are held every four years with no term limits. Power is divided equally between the council and the Monarch. War and international affairs are decided by the Monarch and legislative decisions are left to the council to vote upon. Each council member is also responsible for managing a specific area of the nations functions. The council seats are: Prosperity (trade and economy), Justice (law keeping), Guardianship (defense), Diplomacy (espionage and emissary work), Advancement (technology), and Industry (agriculture, mining, construction, etc.). In the event the line of Welles were to fail and an heir is not available, the council would vote upon one of the four mayoral houses to ascend the throne, and subsequently a replacement mayoral house. People in Power: Arthur Welles (King) and six council members (known by the title Purveyors). Industry: Osterlaind relies upon agriculture, mining, the construction of goods, and trade. Trade however is not a strong suit of the Oster people as they are notoriously isolationist, only interacting with others when absolutely necessary. As such they prefer to stay in country, trying not to rely upon importing goods. Mining too has not been favorable to them as there are few precious ores in the mountains surrounding them, iron being the only widely available ore. When it comes to taxes, it is up to each mayor of the city to decide their people's tax. An equal percentage tax is then taken from the four cities to create revenue for the crown. Military: The Army has four areas: Cavalry, Siege Engines (trebuchets, scorpions, catapults, battering rams, and siege towers), Foot Soldiers (varies based on the region they are from, but generally they are armed with swords, bows, and pikes), and Civil Defense (a military force specifically for defending the nation, they are the only standing military unit). The navy consists of light and moderate ships, but overall the navy is very small. Typically it is only used for defense and transport, and occasionally harassing shipping of their enemies. The four cities typically excel in certain combat areas: the Rotaerus prefer to fight with long bows and cavalry charges, the Alaera with heavy infantry and siege weaponry, the Caedaron with hit and run tactics and naval harassment, and the Moltosaere with stealth and speed. Landscape/Terrain: The Osterlaind is surrounded on three sides by water. The north is full of grasslands and is very flat overall, great for farming and the raising of animals. The west and south are covered in mountains, this is where the mining is done. In the central area the terrain is full of dense forests, hunting is very plentiful here. History: (Osterlaind history is told in terms of who was King at the time) The years before the Monarchy: The Osterlaind started off very tumultuously. Four city states of different backgrounds led to the rise of conflict after conflict, lasting many years in length. Many thought the countless wars would never end, until the day came when Jonathan the Uniter rose to power in Rotaerus. Rallying the people behind him, he led a war which would come to be known as the War for Unity. His purpose was to bring together the four peoples and create a nation that would bring a brighter future for all. It took many long and hard months, but as favor for his idea grew, so did his victories. When the war was finally won, the four cities came together as a nation, with Jonathan's home city of Rotaerus becoming the capital and he himself being crowned King. The reign of King Jonathan the Uniter: King Jonathan was viewed as a fair and just king by the people. Under his rule, the nation enjoyed relative peace. All was not well however, as there were many people within the nation who despised the idea of being united with those who were once their enemies. Small conflicts plagued his reign throughout the years, all of which he settled by diplomacy if available, by force if necessary. By the end of his reign, these outbursts of rebellion grew smaller and less numerous. King Jonathan died of old age and was succeeded by his son, Frederick. The reign of King Frederick the Strong: After his fathers death, Frederick was crowned King. His reign saw even fewer rebellions then that of his father, as he viewed treason as a crime unforgivable. His strong hand view towards opposition was viewed with mixed feelings up until a barbarian invasion came from the western shores. They raided and pillaged several of the smaller villages, and began moving inward towards the mountains. Frederick gathered the army and raced south from the capital to meet them. In what was known as the Battle of the Stones, Frederick's army fell upon the unorganized barbarians, killing nearly all of them, and routing the others. Frederick was viewed as a hero and became loved by the people for his care of the realm. King Frederick died of old age and was succeed by his son, Geoffrey. The reign of King Geoffrey the Wise: King Geoffrey built upon the foundation the previous two Kings had established. He furthered intercity trade and interaction, as well as helped increase the production of goods within the nation. Overall, his ideas helped tighten the bonds between the four cities. King Geoffrey died of old age and was succeeded by his son, Karl. The reign of King Karl the Unjust: King Karl was known most for the iron fist with which he ruled. Rights were infringed upon, and the people were oppressed, causing them to be unruly and rebel several times. This only led to harsher treatment in what seemed to be a never ending cycle. Upon his death of illness, it was decided by the people that power should not reside solely with the King. It was because of this decision that the council was formed to both balance power and responsibilities, freeing up Kings for more important work. Karl was succeeded by his son, Lionel. The reign of King Lionel the Foolish: King Lionel was not a very good ruler as his name might suggest. Many believed he was not able to handle the responsibility of rule. Fortunately his council was able to make up for his shortcomings in most occasions. Nevertheless, his achievements were few and not of note. King Lionel died of old age and was to be succeeded by his firstborn son, Stewart. The reign of King Thomas the Traitor: Days before Stewarts coronation, his jealous brother Thomas, had him assassinated in secret. Through the laws of succession, Thomas as the second born took the throne. His rule wasn't much better than his fathers, and in fact was worse in many ways. As members of the council began looking into his brothers mysterious death, the trail led them to the King. Arrested and tried by the Purveyor of Justice, the King was found guilty of treason for the death of his brother and executed. His reign was short lived, only lasting a few months. The reign of King Robert the Restorer: Having no more sons, the crown went to Lionel's brother, Robert. Robert restored the monarchy's reputation through his exemplary ruling. His reign was mostly uneventful, but filled with relative peace and prosperity. King Robert died of old age and was succeeded by his son, Arthur. The reign of King Arthur the Honorable: Arthur is the current ruler of the Kingdom of Osterlaind and has been a beloved ruler so far. His reign has been spotted with troubles however, ranging from internal strife to external threats. The Kingdom of Osterlaind has had problems for several years with neighboring barbarians and marauding pirates, a fight which has helped to keep their military in shape, but has cost them lives and resources. Resources in particular can be a problem given their lack of impressive industry. Talk has arisen from two camps, one believing war should be sought out to raise their economy and land, the other favoring trade and diplomacy for goods they require. The problem with either is that war typically costs much, and trade requires something of value within your own borders. The only resource worth trading in the Osterlaind is iron, which while numerous, is hard for them to collect. Races Sheet Name: Humans Appearance: All shapes, sizes, shades, and styles as you would find among humans. The average human in the Osterlaind has a medium build, is 6 foot tall, and Caucasian or lightly tanned (depending on location they live). Natural Abilities: Humans are very creative and ingenious. They are also famously resilient and strong willed. Lifespan: Up to 100 years at the most. Homeland: The Osterlaind.