{ [b]One month ago.[/b] } Amanda was sitting in her car with her family, on her way to the theatre. They were your basic family of four with a dog at home. They were simple and happy but not perfect. They were average and Amanda liked it that way. However, the poor child had no idea the horror that would then come to pass. [I]SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEETCH[/I] The girl awoke to searing pain all throughout her body. She was on her side, laying in shattered glass. It took her a moment to pry her eyes open. She wished she hadn't. There was blood and twisted metal consuming her entire field of vision. With a cry she forced herself to sit up. "Nnng.." A voice! Someone in there was still alive. "Mom! Dad! Jacob!" Amanda sobbed as she crawled a few inches towards the wreckage. She could barely make out her family in the pile of debris, but they were there. They shifted, turning toward her voice. They looked at her. However, the crashed car had been perched so precariously on a low sloping shoulder, gave way after they moved. Amanda's ears were filled with their anguished cries of pain as the car crushed them. She could FEEL every pitiful emotion inside of them. The secrets they never shared. The hope they thought they had. The pain that consumed their entire being. The doubt they really felt when they saw her. Their distrust in the world. The misery of their ended life. And so much more. Amanda couldn't move and she collapsed. It was better like that, she thought, it was dark and she was alone. Or so she thought. But there was a voice. "Who...are you." [youtube]JOQOSBoBh3E[/youtube] Amanda awoke with a gasp. There was a antiseptic smell in the air and the roof with blinding white. A hospital. She looked around at the hopeful doctors, confused at first, then she remembered. Then she screamed. Ever since then, she had been committed. { [b]Current Day.[/b] } Ever since the accident, Amanda had been living at psyche wards and halfway homes. Her psychologist had given up hope and her doctors just kept her medicated. For a while it worked. Everything was silent. Up until today. ~[I]It's time to go.[/I]~ She jumped but did not feel afraid of the voice she heard. She actually felt more at ease with it there. It had a very specific set of instructions. One's to get her out of the halfway home she was in now. Other children lived at the home, but she was the oldest. The keepers thought she was a decent enough seeing as she caused little trouble, she just never talked. She waited for them to go to sleep then she left. She packed nothing, only bringing the clothes on her back. She didn't know where she was going but HE did. She walked and walked until she arrived at the door. She knocked.