[quote=KindledBeast] Dante took the second note and read it, "Oh so there's no point in me telling you who I am or what I have in my head you already know. Question though do you know what I'm thinking?" Alastair asked with a smile he was a little afraid she did know what was goin through his mind ever since he got wrath in his body he had a almost over whelming sexdrive but he did his best to keep it in check and just retaining everything to his mind where it was safe or so he thought. [/quote] Katherin shook her head. She couldn't read thoughts. Well not technically. On a paper she wrote. [I]I only know the things you try to hide whether from yourself or others. There is no need to feel embarrassed about the demon increasing your sex drive. They have a lot of strange effects on individuals.[/I] [quote=HikikomoriMoxy] Other children lived at the home, but she was the oldest. The keepers thought she was a decent enough seeing as she caused little trouble, she just never talked. She waited for them to go to sleep then she left. She packed nothing, only bringing the clothes on her back. She didn't know where she was going but HE did. She walked and walked until she arrived at the door. She knocked. [/quote] Katherin turned her attention from Dante to the door. She quickly wrote another note of introduction.[I]Hello. My name is Katherin. Welcome to my castle. I have some information that should help you understand what is happening.[/I]