Risty nodded at Nicki, a half-smile gracing her lips as she rubbed her wrists, but she was obviously annoyed by how the guards had just left her, handcuffed. "Charmed." She said in response to Nicki's introduction, and then laughed at Caelum's 'show me yours, I show you mine' comment.. "Sorry, I don't swing that way, Caelum. Well, not unless I'm really, really drunk. But I agree...Those two assholes didn't seem like they'd be interested in anything other than getting their job done." She grinned, leaning forwards. [i]"She seems smart enough, I suppose."[/i] She mused, before laughing hysterically at the look of shock etched across Caelum's face. "Those are only the laws they they -know- I've broken. They can't legally put down crimes they think I've committed, that would be against my Civil rights. And yes, what you are reading is correct -They hired a known Pirate to be your mechanic. Yar-har feedle de." She winked at Caelum, before turning to look at the new arrival, silently keeping her eyes on the first one who entered - Thomas, by the name on his file. [i]"He's trouble, that one. I'm guessing he's the captain - Men with confidence and poise like that tend to be promoted quickly enough. I bet he has all the ladies swooning with the way he acts."[/i] She watched him pace about the room, and began chewing on her nails absently. However, when another man entered the room, she turned her gaze towards him, watching as he weaved his way through the scattered benches and tables. [i]"Tall, and strong. Friendly, by the looks of it - He'd make a good enforcer for sure - At least physically. I doubt he's the kind of person to break someone's leg because they didn't pay. Handsome, too."[/i] She crossed her legs, and grinned at his question. "I do." She said, pulling a pack of cigarettes from a pocket and tossing it to him - After she lit one for herself, of course. "I hope you don't mind Menthols." She grinned, after taking a long drag on her cigarette. "Its all they tend to have in a pirate vessel - If you want to smoke, you have to get used to it." She crossed her legs, and visibly relaxed. She glanced at Nicki, and grinned. "As the person who would be changing the filters -I don't mind changing them." She took another drag on her cigarette, and then breathed the smoke in the air, above everyone's heads, so not to be rude - Not that she cared, but it wouldn't do to have someone have it out for her before they left. Becides, if she decided to kill them all and steal the ship, it would be that much harder if everyone suspected her already. If anyone was going to be betrayed, it wouldn't be her. "I doubt it. They're just supposed to make sure I'm delivered to The Medusa - Nice name, by the way, Caelum, - And then they're likely going to head back to where ever they were stationed." She nodded at Nicki, and patted her on the shoulder gently. "Can't stand planetary gravity. I much prefer the Grav-Fields of ships - They're just strong enough that you won't float away, or fall into machinery, but they aren't as harsh as a Terraformed planet's." She commiserated with her, having the feeling that she'd get along quite splendidly with the other woman. "Ah fuck... Those assholes better have taken my guns and gear to The Medusa - They took my shit when they 'collected' me, said they'd have it delivered before The Medusa takes off. I feel naked without my KOKCH 574 - I've had it since I was twelve." She said, looking frustrated as she took another drag on her cigarette, watching the two new people enter the cafeteria. One was a dour looking man - Quiet, probably due to some tragedy or something along those lines, and likely dangerous in combat - His muscles reminded her of some of the men she had served with in the past - He was obviously a crack shot with a gun. A sniper, perhaps? The other looked to be a deep colonist - She tended to be able to tell, being one herself. She grinned when she saw his tattoos. They could tell a lot about a person, she found. [i]Not bad looking, either of them. Seems we'll have quite a few handsome men on board, by the looks of it."[/i] "Nice tats." She called to him as she dropped the butt of her cigarette onto the ground, crushing it with her heel. "I'm Risty, the mechanic." She smiled at him as she crossed her arms under her bust, before she began looking around the room, glancing at the various crew members. [i]"They don't seem a bad sort. If anything, I won't likely be betrayed by any of them - No waking up to find that my throat has been sliced open. Hopefully."[/i]