[center][b]Retorikā[/b][/center] [center][img=http://hd.wallpaperswide.com/thumbs/fire_demon-t2.jpg][/center] [center]This Kemono if then most feared and powerful Kemono of all. Almost everyone has this fear, they fear it more than death itself. Even the Kemono's fear him. This fear is [i]Public Speaking[/i].[/center] [center][b]Summary[/b][/center] This Kemono is basically the king, He has the most power, and is extremely smart for a Kemono. He keeps himself well hidden to protect himself from Mahō No Ko raids. Rumor has it that after this Mahō No Ko was publicly humiliated, instead of killing himself he devoured the audience whole including his spirit pet. Occasionally Mahō No Ko go missing without a trace, and they end up assuming that they were devoured whole by the king. His type of power is unknown, as well as his location, and how he really came to be.