Guringar had watched in silence as the adventurers signed the contract. Though people had questioned as to his truth, Guringar was sure that they were likely to sign anyway. As the last person signed, a look of relief filled his face. [b]"Now that you all have signed the contract let me continue with the detail. Belthar isn't like his black brethren who have the ability to raise the dead. Belthar relies solely on one ability, his ability to corrupt. Belthar looks for the darkness in everybody's hearts and then uses that against them." [/b]Guringar said as he looked at the men and women surronding the table. [b]"That is how Belthar took down the most powerful city in dwarven history. He looked for the darkness in the hearts of the leaders of Kal'Draguraz. The nobles were corrupted by Belthar and slaughtered the citizens. Yet, my father stood against the other nobles and led the people out of the city. He died in Kal'Draguraz when he came back to rescue me and my mother."[/b] said the solem faced dwarf. His house was the last remaning of Kal'Draguraz and it had been left to him to restore the city to its former glory. [b]"On the topic of money,"[/b] the dwarf says as takes the money off the table,[b]"you all will have to use one gold and eighty silver wisely." [/b]He slid a small purse of money in place of the other purses. [b]"Use it very wisely. Despite being a small town, Toruka is often beset by travelers to the Spine who are in need of provisions. They won't come cheap and neither will any horses and equipment you need."[/b] Guringar said as he looked at the group. His only worry was that the group would argue over who to spend the money rather than focusing on the important matter of getting to Kal'Draguraz. [b]"Some of you may be wondering how to get to Kal'Draguraz. It isn't a simple process but I can't actually be with you. I am too old to travel in the mountains any more. Instead, my adoptive son will take you to Kal'Draguraz. You will arrive at the city of Vargiz with him in a week to start on the path there. You will travel through the closed tunnels that had once connected Kal'Draguraz. Once there, he will open the secret pathway that connects to Kal'Draguraz. Ah, there he is now!"[/b] says the old dwarf as he hears the knocking from the door of the tavern. The owner moves to open the door after Guringar waved the okay. In walks a young male who seemed to have an air of confidence around him. Though he was short by human stature, the male was tall by dwarvish standards. His armor showed signs of caked dirt and blood. [b]"I am back from the hunt father. We killed three deer. Two will stay here and I will bring the last one with me. I am guessing that these people are the adventurers who have answered your call?"[/b] said the young male. [b]"Ah yes, that is good Tregorn. Everybody, this is my adopted son Tregon Sarizgorn. He will be the one to lead the expedition to Kal'Draguraz. Anyway, this meeting is over. You will leave before mid-day tomorrow. Your rooms upstairs are paid for in full. Get to know each other if you want to"[/b] says Guringar as he points to Tregon.