Danelle forced her feet to skid her body into a full stop, a sudden weight being applied to her left hand. Blinking, she followed the arm that held her to match up with a distinct male shape. Where the hell had he come from? For a moment the two merely stood there, the male letting out some weird bellow into the air that may have been a battle cry. [i] "WHAAAAAT THE HEEEELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOUUUU......LITTLE......girl..?"[/i] At that, the dark-haired girl narrowed her eyes. With a jerking motion, she ripped her hand free from the boy’s hard grip and jumped back. He had exuded a psychic ability that apparently made him teleport. That or maybe it just made him spawn in front of people who really needed to be somewhere and thus serve to generally annoy and irritate. Regardless, Danelle figured that her gun alone would do nothing in this potential fight. Putting it into the holster on her hip, she brought out a small black cylinder from her right. Pointing it out, a single button on the side activated a purple beam of static plasma and she held the energy sword out in front of her in an intimidating manner. This boy had stopped her, so obviously he was only going to hinder her goal. And the more time she wasted here, the more distance apart that masked bastard was getting. “Out of my way,” she warned. “Unless you like getting your ass kicked by girls you suddenly scare the shit out of.”