[hider=My Character] Name: Hirohito Tanaka Sex: Male Age: 35 Race: Japanese-American Appearance: [img=http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1oGuZbfeLIwb9yrgaTu17poZRJJ8KJDhWfS8W8Bpm5ncDc9dG3A] Skills and strengths of each: Mechanical 10, Piloting 3, Biology 6, Computers/Communications 5, Manufacturing 5, Chemistry 4, Doctor 3 Personality: Likes to learn how things work, and is always interested in a challenge. Back story: (bare bones) Parents worked at Japanese embassy in Atlanta. Invented exhaust velocity matching device for space ships, which more than doubles their ISP out of the atmosphere (more for drives like Ion drive which have extremely fast exhaust velocities). Started company which built his devices, and sold those devices to government space agencies and private companies. Continued to invent things for space travel/colonization, leasing the rights to build them to his company. Eventually , he wanted to build a ship to colonize Mars and the asteroid belt, but the board of directors blocked him. He sold off his stock (over a billion dollars worth) and started a new company, Ares LLC. He got several other companies to sponsor his Mars colony, and, when the ship was ready to launch, left the board of directors in charge of the day-to-day operations and joined the colony himself. He is now the unofficial liaison between Mars and Earth. Other: [/hider]