[img]http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e221/RyverRhine/JennaBaxterUH_zps10c22016.png[/img] A sigh of relief filled Jenna as she watched the duo walk away. Although Daniel and Josiah didn’t seem like horrible people to her besides their bickering, the ideas of being a Super and such that they brought up still unsettled her. At least now that she was in town she could be, or at least pretend, to be normal. Off to one side of the town she could a crowd of people participating in what looked like a flea market. For the first time she learned about her power, Jenna could feel an excitement build within her as she glanced around those nearby. “Hey,” Jenna said to the woman that spoke about saving her money earlier. “You mentioned that you wanted to give your portion of your money to your sister right? I’m guessing that you’re going to need a few things and I have no idea how I’m going to get even close to using all of the money given to us. Do you want to shop together?” Jenna said as she motioned towards the commotion. She could hear music playing off in the distance as well as smell the different assortments of food. “By all means though if anyone else wants to join us at the flea market, go right ahead. They said it would be best to travel in a group anyways, right.” Jenna said before heading towards the market, curious in what she would find.