[quote=Shiro] Okay, I think I am gonna go with Japan. Anything else I might need to know about it before filling out the app? [/quote] Well, Japan involved itself in China in 1937 and between then and withdrew around the year 1958 after a series of setbacks including the attack on the Imperial Naval base in Dalain resulting in the scuttling and capture of most of their ships including a I-400 class submarine and other major naval vessels. With that, other general defeats and set backs, and the defeat of the Unit 731 biological research unit (and the Chinese recovery of a good minimum of 10 military years research on Chinese civilians) the Empire withdrew from China, and cut off its support from the former Qing Emperor Puyi in the Japanese-formed Manchukoko state over Manchuria. With the Empire gone Imperial Manchuria crumpled and the Civil War in China basically ended with the Communist occupation of Beijing. It would be for about another twenty years the Chinese and Japanese would clash again. China would move on Japan to liberate Taiwan and restore it to the Chinese state and facilitated friendly revolution in Korea. Although the Tokyo Treaty - which officially resolved the Taiwan question - also ended the Revolution in Korea and pretty much established North Korea under a Juchea-state (which later was overthrown by a more moderate Communist party). From Taiwan Chinese soldiers moved to the Philippines which overthrew the interim government they imposed after revolting against the US and started a pro-longed period of on-and-off conflict for the Philippines. After which China put into power a communist government after some war drama. The Third International keeps the Communist states in China and abroad loosely united. Or, any Communist state that doesn't hate China. The Philippines are in it as well as pretty much most of Indochina. You could probably postulate that China made a big red belt cutting between mainland Japan and its island possessions/puppets in Guinea and Java. There's more information in one of the Lore Summary posts following the OP. I think it's the second one that should have the summation of Asia's lore. Japan's in there too. Some [optional] Wiki reading: [url=http://precipiceofwarroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Chinese_Revolution]http://precipiceofwarroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Chinese_Revolution[/url] ([url=http://precipiceofwarroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/New_People%27s_China#The_20.27s.2C_30.27s.2C_and_Japan]Probably a better alternative since the above hasn't been updated at all[/url]) [url=http://precipiceofwarroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Liberation_of_Taiwan]http://precipiceofwarroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Liberation_of_Taiwan[/url] If you poke around more you'll find a few pages concerning Japan too. But it's worth noting most are declared and tagged noncanonical. We've had some rough moments with Japan which just didn't make sense, and us trying to fix it afterwards only made it worse. So we cauterized it.