[b]Planet N1[/b] As the creature nuzzled the Tinkerer, the others looked towards the closest hiveship, marveling at the organic creature living in space. They didn't actually look, of course, but simply turned their heads so that their senses could extend farther. In the vacuum of space, they could see almost endlessly, and they knew that if they pissed it off, there would be many more of the little dog-things. However, they weren't going to piss it off. The Engineers lowered their weapons, and returned to the ship, making sure not to let any of the foreigners in, and leaving the Hunters and the Tinkerer to communicate. The Tinkerer knelt down in front of the dog-thing, and whispered in his language, "Who are you? What are you? May you bring peace to our planet?" It really sounded like "Whodayo? Whadayo? Brinpee-so beiobawl?" As the Tinkerer talked with the creature, the other two Explorers and two of the three Battlecruisers began to disengage from formation, regrouping and accelerating away from the planet. Once fully outside of the gravity well, they vanished into a flash of light. It took about ten minutes overall, and they planned to follow the traces of the enemy's FTL drive and counter-attack. Their little mind-message wasn't accepted as it was; rather, it was accepted as "HOLY ANTICHRIST THEY CAN READ OUR MINDS! END THEM! EENNDDD THHEEMMM!" And so they went off to war.