Renbu had heard that the Liberation people were planing on tackling the boss of The Island of Departure, this was something he had to see. While he had no intention of returning that the prison of a body he used to have, he didn't have a problem with other people trying to leave. Still, he really wanted to see the boss. If this was still a game, and not a new reality, then the boss ahead could conceivably be thought of as the final boss (whether or not MMO's even had final bosses was another discussion). Right now, one of the leaders of the Liberation was giving some kind of speech or something, Renbu didn't really care. He was here to see the boss fight, not listen to some guy (Ruby was it?) give a speech. Renbu had came prepared for the show, having made quite a few meaty dishes before hand, he was ready for diner (it was 6:00 somewhere) and a show. Right now though, he was struggling to pay attention. While he realized that this big speech that this Rubellite guy was giving was important to the people going into battle, if for nothing more then moral, it still didn't change the fact that it was extremely boring. So while Renbu was lying down a ways away from the group of people getting ready to fight, he sighed and said "come on...hurry up" to no one but that air