The Fire House was quiet when Sean Anderson pulled up. No calls were being answered, no cleaning was being done and he had yet to see one of his mates. The lack of activity was almost unnerving as usually there was always something happening. The constant activity was just another portion of the position that he loved, not feeling comfortable staying still for too long. Sean walked through the firehouse with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder, his shift just starting. He was looking forward to getting back in to action after having a small break that felt much too long. He came to his locker and threw his bag inside, pausing to look around the empty room he stood in. With a deep inhale and silent exhale he closed his locker and started walking towards the kitchen. That was where most people could be found when the house was silent for those brief moments. Sean walked past the Chief's office and gave him a wave in acknowledgement, not bothering to stop in when he saw him on the phone speaking to someone; the chief gave him a wave back. Walking down the hall towards the kitchen he came up to Alex who was walking in the opposite direction. "Hey Sean, welcome back" she said with her bright smile. "Hey Alex, good to see you." he grinned back. "I whipped up some eggs and turkey bacon if you want some" she said, pointing towards the kitchen. "I'll see you in there shortly" she finished, continuing her pace down the hall to finish her task on hand. Sean put two fingers to his temple in a small salute. "Yes ma'am." [i]Turkey bacon? Really?[/i] he thought to himself, shaking his head. Entering the kitchen, Sean made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a plate to fill up. It seems the candidate hadn't shown up yet, leaving Alex to take the initiative to ensure there was a hot breakfast for the next shift.