You're very welcome, Ichthys. Glad I could help. :) I've had my eye on this for a few days now waiting to see how it developed, and the general direction you were taking it in seemed fairly obvious from your prior posts. Though just to clarify, as it hasn't been explicitly asked or answered, is magic capable of creating a result purely from itself and the intent of a witch? For example, would a witch in need of sustenance be able to materialize a loaf of bread? This seems to be one of the assumptions behind the aforementioned argument of magic solving all the worlds problems and conflict becoming a non-factor. Personally, I'm operating under the assumption that outright conjuration of something from nothing except magic isn't possible, again going by what you've said already and the fact that something like that would indeed tend to render politics a moot point. Another assumption I've seen is that everyone would have the same capability to be self-sustaining based on magic alone, but if I'm correct in my own assumptions regarding the first assumption then this assumption becomes a non-issue as well. Even in our own world, there are smart people and not so smart people, and while both of them have access to the same technology, one will be much more adept in its use than the other.