[b]Baylen - Tommies/The Swindlers Warehouse - Lancaster[/b] Baylen listened to Lancaster describe what was happening in the warehouse, taking every piece of information as truth. Lanny knew the warehouse like the back of his hand and then some. He did more inventory checks than were needed and would know of any detail changed in the layout of the warehouse. He even made Thomas log what he came or went with to ensure a thorough inventory accuracy. Baylen got in to the passenger side of Lancaster's car and turned to him as he offered one of his cigarettes. Normally he stuck to pure alcohol for his poison but this was a special occasion. "Fuck yes, man" he said taking the cigarette and lighting it up. He inhaled softly, coughing slightly as his lungs were not used to the smoke. Normally it was his liver that took the beating. "Let's get to the warehouse, take a look around and double check all entrances. We'll double board up the windows then get back to Thomas for a follow up. There's not much we can do besides this until morning anyway." Baylen leaned back as Lancaster started the car and drove towards the warehouse. "You know" Baylen said after a moment of silence. "What's ironic is that our warehouse is being stolen from. Normally we're the ones who steal. And yet nothing major has been taken so it's not a grand heist. It's almost as if someone is sending a message, a warning. Who the hell would be doing that? And why?" He didn't know if Lancaster had any ideas but talking allowed helped him try to understand what was going on. They just needed to make their trip quick and efficient and get back to Thomas. When they pulled up to the warehouse everything looked normal, quiet, and dark. Baylen reached in to his jacket and pulled out his glock, getting it ready just in case. Even though they were still in the car he kept his voice low as when he spoke to Lancaster. "Let's do a perimeter sweep before entering. I'll take the left, you take the right. We'll circle around to the front and enter in from there." With that he slowly got out of the car, dropping his half burnt cigarette to the ground and crushing it with his heel. He then quietly began walking towards the warehouse towards the left side, gun drawn.