[b]Planet N1[/b] When the Plaerique heard the being try to speak in its language it backed off, feeling threatened and it hissed, but as it it did the other Plaeriques grouped up on it and shoved it, making clicking sounds as they spoke to each other, forcing it to calm down. However, as the Plaerique hissed, one of the Hiveships began to move in. The largest one, the one that had stayed back from earlier. SHHHHJJJZZZZSSHHHHHRRD CHIK "Beings." A message was being broadcasted. Telepathically, as a radio signal, sound or electronic wave, anything. The Praefectus decided to communicate, but it didn't know the best way. It's telepathic communication is non-invasive compared to what it does to other Esurienti. To non-Esurienti it's like whispers, not really inside the head at all. "We. Are. Convergence." "We. Studied. You. To. Learn." "Sorry. If. We. Frightened. Beings." "We. Did. Not. Know. Your. Language. Until. Now." There was a pause, a silence. "We... ... ... call ourselves... ... The Convergence." There were pauses, but they were quickly getting better at communication with the other beings, grasping their language. "We sensed the fighting, and we... witnessed another species that... acts like... us? We wanted to kill them. We are... attracted to war, we like to... observe. Learn, evolve, spread. Th... things. Like us, we dislike. We... wanted to see if you would attack us if we.... attacked them." "We will not fight beings like ...You. Unless you harm Us. If Co-existence is possible, we must meet." And then everything went silent. The whisper did not speak again, it waited for the beings response. However, on the hull of that ship, something began to happen. A few of the Plaeriques began to make noises and curl up, some lost their hold on the hull and began to float off. They began coughing and gagging, one by one they eventually stopped moving, excreting secretions from their mouths and other areas. It was harmless bodily fluids, but what it meant was that they were beginning to die. The last few of the Plaeriques would only have mere minutes before they would begin to die as well. They made barking sounds at the Beings and opened and closed their mouths, trying to simulate something... what they needed, but they didn't think the Beings would catch on, as they didn't know how to properly communicate. The Praefectus had released control of them, as they were dying from being without oxygen for too long.