[center][i] + Kasumi Touhou + [/i][/center] The city of Toran was not one known for ever being dull - and on this day in particular, something quite exciting indeed was happening: A woman in a fox mask tore through the streets of Toran, weaving and bobbing her way through the crowds of people that seemed to accumulate near train stations, as she was pursued by several angry passengers from one of the trains that had just arrived, who had the lazy policemen that had boarded the trains to serve as security, not used to incidents of such high adrenaline and speed trailing even further behind them, seemingly already out of breath. The woman, known in the East as the Fox-Faced Thief, had just stolen the valuables from the pockets of every person on the train before she had left - and had left them near the doors with a calling card, as was her custom. Back in the East, the Fox-Faced Thief had been known primarily for showing the corrupt aristocracy just how fallacious their ideas of security were, and it had been rumoured that Jantonna du Soleil, the Arena Master, had acquired the use of her services in order to begin to dispel the heavy corruption that lingered in Orin. How true these allegations were was up in the air, but most people knew that the Fox-Faced Thief had made marked impacts in the most recent war, stealing supplies from supply lines, stealing military intelligence, and in rare but memorable cases, stealing the lives of important targets. The anonymity had proven itself quite useful in those times, and after the war there had been a lack of noted activity from the thief, but the cleverest people realised that that only meant that they hadn't been caught. Now, in the city of Toran, she was making a scene again just to let people know that she hadn't given up on the game. Officers shouted after her, members of the public tried to assist in arresting her, but she had been dancing this dance for much longer than any of them - after a brief sprint forwards, and a sharp turn to the left, the Fox-Faced Thief was gone from the public eye once more - but her legacy of having people fear for their valuables remained in the air, like a heavy fog weighing down upon the average Toranese person. Perhaps her entrance could have been a little cleaner - but she doubted very much that it would have been nearly as much fun. As much fun as it had been, however, her business in Toran was very real and very pressing - her family had suggested that she start her Rites, which were a necessary part of being included in the familial line of succession. While it was true that in recent times few trainers ever fully completed their rites, their attempting them (and succeeding at least somewhat) was considered to be important to the more aristocratic families, not only to show their success, but to ensure that only the most worthy heirs were selected to carry on the family's legacy. For Kasumi Touhou, the first-born child of the scions of the Touhou family, her rites were particularly important. Taking the brief respite she had to cover her tracks, it was a simple enough matter to pull a dress over her jumpsuit and hide her mask in her backpack - though she wasn't a huge fan of showing people her face, her presence in Toran would be noted and word sent back to her parents, this way. It was for the best that she laid low for a little while - and the Red Nakumo restaurant was perhaps her favourite haunt for doing so.