[quote] Unfortunately, all these issues seem to add up to sporadic activity for me, and as a GM, it’s tough to have players stay with me. I usually feel pretty disappointed if I lose players as, most of the time, the major plot point hasn’t been hit in the story. Even when I’m just in the RP as a player, my characters usually have this big reveal that makes them something more than what they appear, and I rarely, if ever get to that point. In the rare event that it continues, the story moves along what can only be described as a glacial pace.[/quote] It’s hard to combat inactivity, if people lose interest or they have a ‘real life’ obligation then that is really hard to combat. Of course, I feel disappointed when people drop but for me in the past it’s been my activity or lack of immediacy that has made players drop my roleplay and go searching for something else. [quote] One of the things that I have been considering would be to basically design a roleplay that I would want to play in, and basically search for a GM that would want to take the reigns completely, and just be a player in the RP. Basically design the world and see if anyone wants to take it over for me. I wonder how that would pan out.[/quote] Your biggest challenge to do this would be to find a co-GM before you even have an interest check up and not hand over your world but build a setting that both of you are excited about. I’ve done this a few times and it can come up pretty interestingly but the big thing is have somebody familiar, who is interested, and helped build the setting you want to play in.