Ariadne smiled at the Captains defense of her, even though she did not particularly mind being called ‘former Goa’uld’ as that was essentially what she was. In a few decades she might’ve adapted enough to the idea of being Tok’ra to find that insulting, but in the mean time it was neither here nor there. Still, it was the thought that counted. “[i]While it is possible,[/i]” She began the slightest hint of teasing in her voice as she continued “[i]We do not really need such deception. I shall simply include the plan in my next report to the council. Your deviousness is worthy of a Tok’ra though[/i]” She spoke lightly, almost in jest. The days events were beginning to catch up on her, the emotional turmoil affecting her with more strength because of how it affected her host. “That simple, huh? All right, I’ll leave it to you.” Catherine said, wondering why didn’t she think of that. She guessed she was tired. It wasn’t like she got enough sleep prior to the fight either. When Ariadne made a comment about her ploy - she decided to take it as a compliment - a dry chuckle escaped her throat: “Hiding in tunnels and waiting an eternity to make a move? Please. I shoot for the supreme system lord.” she said with equally devious smile. That comment brought forth rare genuine laughter from Ariadne, and once again she found herself enjoying being in Catherine’s presence. “[i]The boldness of the Tau’ri with the deviousness of the Tok’ra. Truly you are a remarkable person.[/i]” She grinned despite herself, a plethora of feelings coming from her host as she did so. Returning the smile, Catherine looked back to the map console. She wouldn’t let it show but the thought that someone hundreds of years old that probably saw more people than she ever will still found her remarkable was… exhilarating. “Well then, send the report as soon as possible. If she really is who she claims she is, I don’t want to keep her under guard for unnecessarily long time.” she sighed, remembering more to the plan, “I still have to talk about it to the medical staff…. and to general Falk.” her face frowned and eyebrows dropped sadly. she was at times told she wasn’t good for the job because she cared too much. As she thought that, he was approaching. His mission was to cripple the earth ship and allow for the success of the ground mission. With the crippling blow their fleet took, there was hardly any reward waiting for him back home. He was desperate. They were known for their revenge to reach far. His days were numbered, but maybe, just maybe, he could still protect his family. He could still cripple the ship. Remove the head and the rest will follow. HE will likely die, but in doing so he will redeem himself in their eyes. As the captain turned back to her console, one of the guards entered the bridge. “Captain Black?” he asked, and she turned to face the… wait, no one was supposed to leave their post during the lockdown. “Sergeant, what are you-” Gunshot. Another one. Hurting. Catherine flattened against the floor, painfully aware of the hole in her left thigh. Her brain numb from the shock, she noticed the shooting guard was down on the ground in a pool of his own blood. The first shot fired by another guard got him, and he didn’t have time to fully aim, but managed to pull the trigger. God damn it her poor leg! It all happened in a blur from Ariadne’s perspective some Shol’va guard bursting in and shooting Catherine. She had burst to her feet, but before she could wrap her superhumanly strong hands around his throat he had himself found a bullet. For a moment she stood dazed by the events, but Idalia’s mental prodding quickly stirred her into action. “[i]Catherine![/i]” she exclaimed as she rushed around the desk to get to the captain, hoping that the Shol’va’s aim had not been true. She was shocked to see blood beneath the captain, but relieved to see light still in the woman's eyes. It seemed the shot had only caught her in the leg. Ariadne pulled the healing device from its pouch at her waist and knelt down, stilling her shaking hands as best she could, shutting her eyes to help focus on operating the device. She could almost see the scene that filled Idalia’s mind as well, a memory of her host just before their joining. She did her best to reassure Idalia that such a thing was not going to happen again as the golden light extended from the device, reaching down towards Catherine's prone form. She passed the device over the length of the other woman's body, relief filling her as the scan confirmed what her eyes had told her before. Just a leg wound. Painful, but not lethal. The healing device directly over the wound, she focused on the repairing of the flesh, forcing the bullet fragments out and mending the muscle behind them, finally sealing the the skin when the task was complete. Catherine would be left without even a blemish to show for the attack. “Are you alright?” Idalia said as soon as Ariadne released control. Her symbiote was exhausted by the emotion involved in the use of the device, even though the wound had not been complex to mend. As the stabbing feeling in her leg and the shocked haze around her mind started clearing, Catherine noticed Idalia looking at her. “Uuuhhh….” she groaned, the wound closed but her nerve endings just refused to update, still feeling the last of the searing needles impaled in her leg. “I think so.” The sensation of the healing device was something she never felt before. It was as if a warmness was pouring into her body and just making everything bad go away. She curiously rubbed the spot where the shot impacted only to find undamaged, smooth skin. she laughed silently. “I knew I picked a good one.” she said for herself, reaching for something solid to help herself up. “Thank you, you make wonders.” The leg still didn’t feel like supporting her full weight, something she found strangely uncomfortable. Her expression darkened as her gaze fell upon the dead guard. Taking an uneasy step and finding that indeed she could walk normally, she crossed the distance and pulled his vest down, tearing his BDU’s open… No dog tags. Instead, there was a shimmering device on his chest. Reaching for it and plucking it off, the form that was on the ground shifted and in a second or two, an entirely different corpse was lying there. “Found the spy, or at least one of them.” she growled, “I can’t believe it! They lost something again!” she shouted, tossing the mimic device on her console. Tapping her earpiece, she connected to the special detail: “Takanashi, we found a guy wearing a mimic device. Be advised there may still be more on board… Takanashi, do you copy?” she said, but no answer came back, “Kurzweil, Vacek, Dr. Berg? Anyone?” nothing. “Security, extra detail to Dr. Berg’s quarters! Yesterday!” she shouted over her shoulder. Vacek and Kurzweil were currently lying on the floor stunned. As soon as they turned the corner and went away from everyone’s eyes and ears, the two shots falling the other two guards. “Cold blooded snake! Those were my people on that ship you gassed! I don’t care how many times I have to end you, you’ll pay for that!” he shouted, aiming the zat at the doctor. ~| A few minutes earlier |~ Vanja did feel a bit miffed at being kept under guard even after telling the truth, but Ingrid could easily understand why. At least their access to the ship systems had not been restricted. There was only so little she could do from her quarters, but at least she could check the status on her personal projects, in this case, the plasma adaption to the P90. She was sitting on her bed when she heard a couple of faint thuds outside her door. Almost before she could think to react, she heard the door unlock and begin to slide open. Ingrid felt herself pushed back immediately as Vanja seized control, something she found good and not at all uncomfortable. This was not something she had trained for. She suddenly heard the voice of someone she didn’t know, someone clearly speaking to Vanja. [i]“They would have died no matter what I did. My way they died quickly. Being blown up is not a death to be enjoyed.”[/i] Vanja regretted now not having a weapon available, but of course she had been unable to acquire one. It was one thing for Ylva, who was military, to have a weapon in her quarters. It was quite another for Ingrid, who had no weapons training, to have one. Hopefully she could change that later. If they survived. Just as Ylva’s murderer fired his weapon, Vanja dodged to the right, barely avoiding the Zat blast. She hid along the wall the door was part of, out of the direct line of fire. The Spy, whom she now after thinking over what he said presumed was of the Lucian Alliance, had no choice but to move inside. Though he appeared to have overcome the guards stationed outside Ingrid’s quarters, Vanja realized it had probably been more luck than anything else, for he actually moved into the small room with his Zat’nik’tel held straight out from his body, leading the way into the room. The moment his elbow was inside, Vanja lashed out with her hands, doing a series of moves that Ingrid, even with full input from her limbs, hardly could keep up with, let alone predict. The Zat dropped to the floor, and Vanja delivered a vicious uppercut to the Lucian Agent’s head, using the full strength of their combined bodies. Even as the agent’s body fell back, she could see blood starting to froth at his mouth. ‘how did that happen? How could I do [i]that[/i]?’ she though to her symbiote. [i]’Alone, without me, you could not. But with me, it is easy. I have long ago begun releasing new enzymes into your system. Increased physical strength is but one of the effects.’[/i] Just then, they heard shouts down the hallway as a security patrol approached. Vanja idly wondered who had sent them, and what they would think of what they saw. The incident at Ingrid’s quarters was fortunately solved without more casualties. When the two other guards woke up, they confirmed to have been attacked by their commander, effectively putting Vanja out of Captain’s crosshair. With the guy from the bridge dead and Takanashi secured, all that remained was the supposed Tok’Ra who was cooperating. Catherine released the lockdown form the better part of the ship that was already screened, allowing for much of the normal activities to resume. “Captain, there’s more. Lt. Brown is unaccounted for and we have found an unauthorized activation of the transporter.” her security officer said. Catherine could just helplessly sigh. Four infiltrators on one ship. [i]Four![/i] When they get to Earth, she will have the head of whoever was in charge of background checks. Was that person an alliance spy too? [center][b]========== End of Ep. 2 ==========[/b][/center]