“Feel free, The both of you. There’s several, And I feel there are probably more coming.” James said closing his eyes for a moment, “we’re going to have to go through them to get to town.” He said smiling and setting his staff on his back, the fireball still glowing and providing light. Freeing up his hands for casting. “Just remember, try not to hit one another. I’ve only got so many potions on me.” He looked round debating something under his breath. Eventually he began to mutter, the air starting to stir around him, almost as if he was calling upon the world itself. The clearing began to smell of smoke and ash, the sound of flames started small but grew louder and lounder , the smell changed from smoke and ash to brimstone and sulphur, the roaring of the fire seemed to become condensed on one point. Standing beside James was a lesser incarnation of fire, “Just training today, we’re back up I’m afraid” He said, glancing towards the creature. It grumbled the affirmative and stood ready to attack on command. [Hider= Elemental] [IMg=http://images.wikia.com/forgottenrealms/images/archive/b/b9/20110806065422!Fire_Elemental.jpg] [/hider]