After Amalger's first attack ended up as nothing more than an annoyance, Abel's morale dropped significantly, even though the creature was temporarily immobilized thanks to the ice coating one of its legs. How could they beat this monster if they couldn't even hit it? His hopes flared up again, however, when Amalger's fumble opened up a new opportunity. Having switched the Ampere to staff mode after Amalger demonstrated a physical attack would be near useless, he found himself in prime position when the basilisk opened its beaklike maw wide to feast on him. Aiming at its thick, glistening crimson tongue, Abel activated his semblance and let loose a lightening bolt into the Grimm's gullet. The brilliant azure arc narrowly avoiding grounding through Amalger instead; Abel thanked his lucky stars for that. More importantly, though, he hoped that the heavy voltage would at least inflict enough pain on the beast to make it vulnerable to further exploitation. He had not, however, been aware that Aurelia had envisioned the same idea. As such, instead of a single burst of agonizing electricity, the basilisk's mouth was faced with two. Abel watched the other lightning blast sail over his head and join his own bolt in the basilisk's maw, then cast a brief glance back to determine its source. [i]Lucky that. Guess she's pretty quick on the draw after all.[/i] Of course, the girl being sent ingloriously sprawling from the recoil of her own attack diminished this impression somewhat. Still, it served to partially convince Abel that maybe they had a chance after all. Not waiting to determine how effective the combined assault was on the Grimm, Abel leaned forward and low, extending the Ampere until the blade was just above Amalger's head, and its metal crossguard very visible. "Grab hold!" When the downed boy grabbed the weapon obligingly, Abel yanked mightily, pulling the Ampere back and dragging Amalger with it--out of immediate crushing and disembowling distance. [i]Score two for Fulgurate![/i]