2:55! If Akiko didn't step on it, she'd be late, she told herself! The fun-sized musician - as per the usual - dressed warm, despite it not quite being wintertime yet. It was coming, though. That was a truth she dreaded...but this wasn't a time for dread! This was a time for meeting new friends, and getting to that anime club! Tightening the gloves on her hands, Akiko made her way through the hallway, checking the number over each door. She was still new here, and getting lost was a surefire way to run late; not something she wanted. In due time, she finally found it. Reaching for and opening the door, Akiko stepped in, shutting the door behind her. There were already others here too, it seemed. Two boys, two girls, excluding Akiko. Neat. That meant that Akiko [i]wasn't[/i] the only one interested. And the club room even had a kotatsu! Bonus points! Akiko liked this place already. Facing the other club members, she spoke up to introduce herself. The Kansai accent was strong with this one. "I'm Akiko Kobayashi; here t'join y'all's anime club! I'm not runnin' late, am I?"