[b]Position on Map[/b] [hider=Map] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2ufc0tf.png[/IMG][/hider] [b] Name[/b]- Adjutor Insula [b] Flag[/b] – Two clasped red hands upon a white background. [b] Capital[/b] - Love [b] Other Major Settlements[/b]- – Hope, Charity, Peace [b] Population[/b] – 350,000 [b] Races[/b] – Humans (native) [b] Culture[/b] – The peoples of Adjutor Insula are dedicated to a single minded philosophy of helping others, owing to their deep rooted religious beliefs in Faranism. Therefore, currency does not exist on the island, and individuals of greed are monitored closely by the ruling Guide (name of the government). Traditionally, Adjutor Insula is a former Crusader State, settled hundreds of years ago during the Pagan War. Though the world has changed dramatically since the rather small, yet significant religious conflict, Adjustor Insula has not. At birth, whether male or female, a child is admitted in the Adjutor Order. The Order has several branches, and incorporates the main political body of the island. By law of the country, all children are entitled to an education, and it is during the time between their third and thirteenth year that they are allocated to the various wings of the Order that best suit their academic abilities. The wings of the Order are as follows: The Sighing Hand – The military wing, given sole authority of the island’s army of navy. The Enlightening Path – The priesthood, which is a common path for aspiring political leaders to ascend. The Noble Way – The medical and science wing, usually dedicated to healing arts and other ways in which to benefit humanity and its neighbours. What passes as doctors, nurses, scientists, researchers and archaeologists usually occupy this wing. The Doubting Eyes – A body created to philosophise, unmolested by the ruling Guide, the various religious texts of Faranism. The Hero’s Road – Labourers, mostly. People who tend the fields, build roads, dig irrigation and tunnel for iron. Unlike other cultures, it is the working man and woman who are valued in Adjutorian society for their priceless contribution to the island’s continued existence. [b] Crimes[/b] – Crime rate on the island runs low, though they are committed. However, as per the doctrine of Faranism, the death sentence is withheld even in the most horrific circumstances. Instead, the Noble Way and the Enlightening Path usually cooperate in creating rehabilitation centers, whereby the criminals are treated with compassion in an attempt to bring them to the dread realisation of their actions. Victims of crime are automatically afforded the best care that the Noble Way can provide, and if left unable to work or do their part for the country, following their experience, then they are looked after by a series of establishments that dot the island for just that reason. [b] Government type[/b] – Theocracy, headed by a “Guide”, which is the holiest of Faranistic priests. The Guide has an advisory council, made up of twenty of each of the Order’s wings most prominent members, who advise him or her on their actions. However, should the council fear that the Guide is abusing their position, then they may impose an ‘Excommunication’, in which case the Guide must either stand down, or be forcefully removed into exile. However, this has only been done once in the nation’s history, and even then, the exile was cancelled and the offending priest was instead forced into retirement. People in power – Guide Charity IX and the Adjutor Order Advisory Council. [b] Industry[/b] – The Hero’s Road deals in several industrious processes, from fishing, coal mining, metal working, ship building and agriculture. [b] Military[/b] – The Sighing Hand has two main military forces: the Home Guard, and the Compassion Brigade. The Home Guard number at around 20,000 strong, and rely on a mixture of heavy infantry and horse in which to conduct their battles. However, they exist as a permanent defence force for the realm, and do not venture onto foreign soil. They are a standing army, trained from the age of thirteen for war, and as a result are both restrained and disciplined. No Adjutor army, whether on home soil or on foreign lands, has ever committed mass rape or genocide – and nor shall it ever. The Compassion Brigade as aptly named for its foreign aid missions, whereby it deploys in the event of global disasters. Whether helping victims of floods and earthquakes, plagues and famine, it is a versatile force designed for traversing rough terrain and carrying supplies. In peace keeping missions, where the brigade is deployed to protect refugees or prevent sides in a civil war from tearing their nation apart, then it is a defence orientated force. Often, it erects palisades near civilian areas, and deploys mass crossbow infantry to drive off attackers. It also operates a light cavalry wing specialising in deterring raids against remote villages. The Sighing Hand also has a rather large fleet (100 ships), though it is ill-designed for war, and rather for the transportation of bodies and supplies. However, it has enough sailed warships to deter pirates and moderately strengthed foreign navies. Landscape/Terrain – Adjutor Insula is covered in snow for six months of the year, making the growing of crops a struggle. Nevertheless, through technological advancements and the skill of Hero’s Road members, ways have been found to grow entire farms of mushrooms and other darkness friendly plants underground. The island is cantered by a large mountain (Faran’s Will), where the semi-subterranean Monk City of Love is situated. Journeying to the city during the winter is nearly impossible, as roads become blocked and mountain passages impassable. [b] History[/b] – Adjutor Insula began life as a Crusader State, where King Faran IV from the former Kingdom of Arriva arrived to drive off the island’s original inhabitants for their paganistic beliefs. After what was no more than a total genocide, King Faran fell sick with the idea of war and glorious conquest. He questioned his initial religious beliefs, and found them lacking, and so started his own religion right there on the island. He spent the next decade lavishing the island with his wealth, making great effort to save and rehabilitate what was left of the original population. Upon his death, he ordered his captains to continue his work, and so they did. As the centuries went by, Adjutor Insula became an international hub of scientific medical advancements, disaster relief, political meditation and philosophical progress. ________________________________________ [b]Races Sheet[/b]- [b] Name[/b] - Humans [b] Appearance[/b] – Tall, and pale. Hair and eye colour varies. [b]Natural abilities[/b] – Resist cold climates better than their mainland brethren. [b] Lifespan[/b] – 60-80 years. [b] Homeland[/b] – The Mainland (various states that took part in the Crusade).