[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/65450/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2031607]OOC[/url] [Center][img=http://i.imgur.com/KYKmPFe.jpg][/center] *GothicLands is an ongoing world created by myself through the course of a number of roleplays over the last five years. Gaia is the latest installment made specifically for RoleplayerGuild. I hope to see some of you here! [u]General Plot line.[/u] [i] Gaia, the largest continent in the explored World and home to a population of almost three million people in the South (from the last Census). The North and South of Gaia are separated from each other by a great river, North of the river is where civilized land ends and the reign of Barbarian tribals begins. The Barbarians generally have stayed in their separate tribes for the last three-hundred years, never posing much of a threat to the South, killing each other as quickly as they'd kill a Southern straggler who wandered too far North. The peace that the South has known has allowed it to become a singular prosperous kingdom after the original five came together and unified. However, in the North a storm is brewing. A great and powerful Tribe leader, Urtag Stromreign has raised a banner calling all men and women of the North to unify under it. For too long, he preaches, have the people of the North been forced to stay in the Highlands while the Highborn and Nobles of the South drink good wine, eat good food and get fat and greedy. Stromreign's cause has caught the hearts and adoration of many a brute warrior who fancies themselves in need of vengeance against the South. His army stands already in the first few months at almost sixty-thousand armed men and women and they march from the farthest North point of the Continent towards the border bringing more and more under their wing. They plan to attack the South in one campaign to make it to Sanctuary, the capital and take it for their own. Raven's have been flown from the border towns who have caught wind of Stromreign's deceleration of war, to all the major cities in the South. They warn the Lords and Ladies of each county that the tide of war is sweeping through the North with great speed, it's beastly eyes set on the Gates of the Capital. As the South prepares for inevitable war our story begins in the small trading town of Aurora's End under the protection of a Vassal Knight by the name of Lord Merek. [/i] [center][b]---[/b][/center] So I hope that short snippet above had enough detail in it to at least give you the general idea of what is going on. The idea here is to run a semi-sandbox style role-play which is character driven rather than by plot. There will more than likely be side-plots thrown into the mix acting as any sort of main plot. Our characters depending on how they're made will probably be the leaders in said side-plots or have the plots revolve around them. I'm looking for a good mix of characters here, male and female, Knights to squire's to farmers to noblemen/ladies etc. Although there is not much here now this has been a world in development for sometime by myself and is adapted from other roleplays I have GM'd in the past. Gaia is the newest installment and hopefully promises to be fun. Should this attract enough interest I will start an OOC with detailed information on the continent of Gaia and any other notable features. So, if you're interested give me a show of hands here by posting your interest! Looking forward to playing with you all.