[quote=Captios] Welcome to new and improved Hayastan!Now with one-hundred percent more Javakhk, Gandzak, Lernayin Gharabagh, and Yerznka!Done in accordance with this map from the wiki:The only other change in territory as accorded by this map was the transfer of Adamakert from Armenia to Kurdistan, which I hope is fine on both ends. I know I like it, power to Kurds, freedom for Elbak hurrah hurrah yay.Hayastan Irredenta! [/quote] Needs independent Odessa and shit. [quote=Rare] Alright, I got a few questions and here they are: 1) Has anything happened to Hungary?[/quote] Nope. [quote=Rare] 2) Has anything happened to the countries around Hungary?[/quote] Not really. I'm sure there's some "implied" things. But nothing new has really happened. There's the collapse of the Turkish monarchy, but that was something that happened before we moved here, so it's not anything you couldn't gleam from the OP. Otherwise there's the proximity to Russia and the influence of the Mafiya, which is maybe only a bigger issue in Poland-Ukraine. There was some discussion and me allowing Duck to do some stuff with a small faction of the Mafiya in the Balkans, but he hasn't materialized to make it official in IC yet, but the idea's there and I think he wants to do it. [quote=Rare] 3) Is anyone still playing Prussia?[/quote] Hugs was, but he abandoned us and left us to limbo with him for stat-based RPs. If you want to go give him shit and bring him back, then be my guest. But we're still recognizing Germany as a major power. [quote=Rare] 4) Is the wiki good to use or still a shitty place? [/quote] I've cleaned up most of the noncanonical information (or added the appropriate tags to the noncanonical articles, and noted them with a header to take them with caution). There's still a lot of clean up to do, but it's gotten better.