Hello, I am new to this website, I stumbled upon this and was interested hence made an account. A few questions regarding the relics and magic in the RP: How prevalent is magic? Is it strictly limited to the use of Relics? Or perhaps could a Relic catalyze the emergence of magic? Furthermore could "Modern" Relics be created? Say for example, a person discovered techniques from the Old Kingdom originally used to create Relics. As such, would said person be able to create a new relic? And as such, what is the upper bounds of magic in this realm as I have a few characters in mind for this RP, however one is a Homunculus (who would be born through use of a Relic as an artificial being) and another is the Sorcerer who made it (who created/found the Philosopher's Stone Relic and has prolonged his life through its powers of transmutation) .