Koji was a little surprised by the handshake, he wasn't used to the western gesture. He reached out his hand [b]"Nice to meet you Asami-Chan"[/b]. This must be her first year at university, she looked to be around 18. Before he realized it, two more people had arrived. One boy, though it was hard to tell based on his features, and another pint-sized girl. He could tell instantly that she had a kansai dialect, which was nice to hear. He could speak it himself, though he usually didn't use it now that he had moved to Tokyo. He found her cute, but she was a bit odd. It was a beautiful day out and she was bundled up in winter clothing, [i]"I guess getting some strange members was to be expected, seeing as this is an anime club"[/i] he thought to himself. [i]"But so adorable! she's like a character straight out of an anime"[/i] Koji realized he had been zoning out again and returned his attention to the rest of the club members. [b]"Hello you two, like Asami said, you're in the right place. My name is Koji, nice to meet both of you"[/b]. How many more members would be joining? Koji expected maybe two or three people to come, but it already seemed like a handful had arrived. [b]"Please feel free to help yourselves to snacks, I'm not sure if more people are coming but maybe we should wait a little longer."[/b] Standing up, koji walked over to the chalk board. Picking up a broken piece of chalk he wrote "Anime Club! Vice - Pres. election". He had decided to let anyone who wanted to be the vice president to elect themselves to the position, and give a little speech as to why they thought they should be the vice president. Everyone would be able to vote and then it would be decided. [b]"Let's wait 10 minutes, if no one else shows up we will get started"[/b].