[b] Detective Brewer and Sully, The Brewer Mobile and The Florence [/b] This rook was fucking annoying, but Brewer let it slide the kid was new, the kids question was answered when they pulled up to the Florence "Nope no spying i was curious as to the ballistics of the Irish and Angels case." He said "And you've got to revisit the scene in order to understand whats happening. So your going to stand where the Angels would of been standing, and your going to direct me to where the Irish would of been shooting from. Besides the chief told me they had a good beer here." He said and parked the car out of the way of any of the bikes and got out. When both were standing in position he was looking at the rook from a good distance away "So rook what does this say about the shooting?" He shouted, from across the way. Because from where he was standing basic shotguns would be out of the equation, with those ruled out, only hand guns and rifles would of been in on it. Rifles would be okay as long as they were semi-automatic, but hand guns were a no no.