Terry didn't care for the girl's lack of manners but he supposed that was fair enough being questioned by a stranger was not something he'd enjoy either, "Old habits die hard where I come from most people are preachers for their beliefs." Terry admitted. "But fair enough lass I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. I just wanted you to think about what was going on as something other than nothing. I believe that this whole ordeal is going to turn out to be either a massive pain or intriguing despite the fact that this whole place is nothing more than a glorified way to get to where we are going. I'll leave you though I have no place in questioning another's motives nor their place in the world. especially a stranger like yourself." Terry stated as he swallowed a glass of wine and sighed. 'This isn't goin' to end well if everyone is hostile towards each other. I hope that the others on this ship aren't like her.' Terry thought to himself but he didn't say it for all to hear. It would be bad to start a fight in this place and have to deal with everything else as it came along with an uphill fight. But he respected her way of thinking even if it was crude she simply was more to the point than others.