Kaku let out a yawn as he was dismissed from his last seminar of the day. As students rose from their seats and began to pack away their belongings, he glanced to his sides, watching them as they slowly conglomerated into smaller groups. School had only recently begun, and people had already developed friendships, and even relationships for a few. Somewhat irritated by how quickly the room filled with chatter, he waited as the voices slowly dwindled. Once the foot patter came to an end, the boy finally leaned back from his seat. The room was now empty, ridden with chairs left separated from their respective desks. Unlike the lazy students who had already departed, he pushed in his own seat and slung his satchel over his shoulder. Walking through hallways, remaining vigilant and cautious as he proceeded through the complex for the first time. Basing his assumptions off of the school maps placed on the walls at random, he attempted to guide himself to the room where his new club lied. Even while his main focus was to academically excel and succeed his father’s company, he had to entertain himself in some way. Manga and anime, media which both have thriving and colorful markets, was his ultimatum. Kaku perked up as he heard shouts from down the hall, emanating from an open door. Guessing that he was in the correct building, he approached the doorway and rounded the corner, standing in the frame. His vibrant cerulean eyes lit up as they took in the room, noting the furniture and the students who were already present. Three males and two females were already actively chatting away in the clubroom. Some had already treated themselves to snacks, sitting down under the kotatsu. He listened to the student who was currently holding the roster form, [b]"My name is Anri Fujimura. I'm a second year and it's a pleasure to meet you all. . . Asami-san, Koji-kun, or would that be senpai?"[/b] He deduced that the two students he was addressing was the taller girl and the second tallest male. Kaku realized he was the smallest guy there and shrugged, waving a hand as he nonchalantly greeted those who were present, [b]”Good afternoon. My name is Kakusareta Shunjun. I take it this is the anime club?”[/b] These were the students who were his to-be fellow club members. They shared the same interests, and could offer respite and contempt for his own beliefs. Kaku took the paper from Anri’s hand and glanced it over, reading the names which had already been written on it. He penned down his own name with finesse, 隠された 逡巡, and nodded in approval. Sliding his sight over towards the board, he realized that votes for the vice class president were soon to be held. [b]”...So, has anybody watched some interesting series lately?”[/b] The boy asked as he took his seat, keeping his distance from the volatile sweets. He had no intent to crash from a sugar rush today He looked at the faces of the club members, trying to determine their age, [b]”I guess a majority of you are my senpais, as this is only my first year. I hope to act in your best interests.”[/b] Kaku said calmly, thinking what his fellow attendees were like.