[B]Dutch Hil 7:03 PM[/B] "There," Bruce said, pausing the footage. "See the eyes?" he stuck his finger up to the screen. They're glowing." Who'd've guesed that a greek statue would've been behind the robbery. I wouldn't. Bruce and I sat observantly as we tore the clips apart, starving for a lead. Then it happened. I missed it at first, mistaking it for my eyes filling in the blanks, but under closer observation I realized the truth. "There!" I saw a wave in the footage and identified the form of a man, lacking the color or the other obvious tells. Everyone in the video seemed not to notice the disguised shape. But me and Bruce did. "Another illusion," he whispered. "This one probably mounted on the perp's body, showing the surrounding area to make it appear like he's invisible. But if he can make himself invisible... why the need for the elaborate show a few days later?" As Bruce thought to himself for a moment, I identified a reason, it was sitting right in front of me. "Why do you dress up as a bat and beat the city's drug dealers to a pulp instead of swiping all the cocaine in the city?" I questioned. "Of course there are simpler, even smarter ways to get stuff done, unless... Maybe he wants to be seen--to be feared. Maybe he likes the attention. Maybe the money isn't his motivation, but the show."