Isabella stopped out front of the house, the roars of the undead creatures howling in her ears. She looked back at Noah, "Someone so l-level headed shouldn't go first. The person to go first, should be the person who's to stupid and fucked up to feel any pain." She said in an inappropriately joking manner. Her glazed eyes floated onto the face of the girl in the baseball player costume, she stood next to a lumberjack and Nemo. Her brain managed to make out the words 'I'll come' and 'We've got your back', Izzy glanced back at Noah and gave off a fake smile. She didn't say anything. She turned back around to the house, ready to take it by storm, when a person in a disco-style costume came flying at her. He bore teeth that had started to rot, and skin that was peeling away from bite marks. Izzy thought she could handle herself, but she was proved wrong at that very moment. The zombie clawed and snarled at her, in a desperate attempt to survive, she held her hands against the zombie. She was holding it off for the time, but she couldn't do anything but that. Izzy let out a small shriek as some blood filled saliva spurted onto her ring-master costume.