Colin Hampton, lead Paramedic of battalion 25 just entered the house after Sean headed further in. He was of course holding a coffee and supplies from a supply run the previous night. With painstaking care the 24 year old put said supplies into the ambulance before patting the hood and taking a sip of his coffee. He was surprised, usually at least someone was in here making fun of how OCD he seemed to be with the rig. He shrugged, turning out to be a good day already. He headed to his locker and threw in some clothes to change into after his shift and splashed a small amount of aftershave onto his cheeks rubbing it in and combing his hair a bit. Satisfied Colin used his sense of smell and followed into the kitchen where he saw breakfast and Sean. "Good morning." He nodded politely at the Fireman and grabbed a few strips of bacon and headed towards the dining room.