Classes had ended for the day. That meant that is was time for Manami to head over to the Anime Club for the first time. Back home there weren't really any places where people like her would gather and most hadn't ever heard the word 'otaku' before. Todai University was such a big place and the city was even bigger. She still wasn't used to being around so many people all the time. It seemed like the city never slept and everyone was always moving. At least, she had found a part time job at a cosplay cafe, that was also something new. With so many new things in her life it was almost overwhelming. She debated whether or not she should really try to join the Anime Club as the other students went about their way. She started to leave the lecture hall but stopped at the door. [i]What if they're all dirty perverted boys? What if they don't like me? Should I really go? Maybe not.[/i] It was almost time for the Anime Club's scheduled meeting where all the people would go to join. If she skipped out they might not let her join later or their roster might get full. She started to walk down the hall towards the club room. Eventually Manami found herself just down the hall from the club room. She could hear people talking, one of them sounded familiar. She stared at the sign above the door, it was definitely the right place. In that room, through the open door, was the Anime Club. [i]Should I really go?... Yes. This is my chance to make friends. I can't leave now.[/i] She had almost turned around but decided to go for it. A few steps and she was in front of the open door. [i]Wait! What if they don't like eroge!?[/i] It was too late as they would have noticed her in front of the door. She took a step inside. Manami was wearing a long-sleeved light-blue V-neck and jeans with her favorite pair of sneakers. Slung over her shoulder was the bag for her laptop. She took a second to take in the room. There were plenty of people, snacks on the kotatsu, and the chalkboard at the back said they were holding an election the vice president of the club. [b]"Um... Hello everyone. I'm Takenaka Manami... a first year student. It's nice to meet you all."[/b] Manami tried to scan all the faces for the one that sounded familiar. Finally she recognized someone, it was one of the girls from her part time job. [i]What was her name???[/i] She stared at the girl as she tried to remember. [b]"L-Levi... chan?"[/b] [i]I hope that right.[/i]