Wip (tis a shame Wyoming's Checkpoint (rollback) system an't here ah well) Full name: Unknown Code name: Wyoming Gender: Male Age: 25 Implanted A.I.: Armour Ability: Jet Suit Appearance: [img]http://halo.bungie.org/misc/assaultgodzilla_japanhalo2/images/06_call_of_spartans.jpg[/img] Personality: Most of the time Hes a Upbeat Combat Loving Weapon Loving Type of guy If theirs a weapon Hes their Looking at it Testing and it And maybe trying to steal it. Because of this he Is generally Locked out of the Weapons room. At other times he's been called a Psychopath. Losing all Empathy for other people and just saying what his mind think straight away. this happens Rarely Usually when hes pissed off or corned like a Rat. after a couple of minutes he seen to calm down. He also has a Personal love For Hunting Rifles and likes to think of every mission as a Hunt even so he's Polite At least He acts polite. He likes to shoot people Before they beg for mercy because In his opinion He hates it when people Act weak. Generally one should never Ever Ever mention his sister or the conversation might turn violent quickly But other then that In conversation he is Calm and quick to the point (speaks with a british accent (because i am british) History: Weapon Loadout: DMR version M395 M7/Caseless Submachine gun 3 Flashbangs 1 Grenade. Fighting Style: have you ever Been fighting when using a Gun in one hand and a fist in the another which is exactly how Wyoming prefers to fight. using his M7. Generally however He is forced to reload which is the natural assertive weakness of all weapons So during this lapse one can Disarm or defeat him. But while he has bullets Good luck Trying to get to close as he will use his jet suit to evade and shoot your face. Other: Never mention his sister unless you went a gun in your face. and a very itchy trigger finger holding it.